Submission of papers now open and ICME-13 solidarity grant application coming up
The submission process for papers to be presented at ICME-13 has now been opened.
It will be possible to submit a paper from now on until the 1st October 2015.
In addition, those researchers intending to apply for the solidarity fund, shall submit a poster, if they wish to participate with a poster instead of a paper. Ordinary poster submission will be from 1st - 31st January 2016.
The submission is done via Conftool using this link:
All submissions - papers and posters - have to be related to one of the 54 Topic Study Groups, so it is necessary to select the right TSG in advance.
Application for the ICME-13 solidarity grant
Participants who consider themselves eligible for an ICME-13 grant are encouraged to send a grant application to the Grants Committee.
Applications should be sent between the 1st October 2015 –22nd December 2015: more details here:
For more information and in case of any questions please contact the Convenor of ICME-13 Gabriele Kaiser:
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Education
Didactics of Mathematics
Von-Melle-Park 8
20146 Hamburg
Convenor of 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13)
Phone: (+49) 040 42838-5320 (secretary -5321)
Fax: (+49) 040 42838-4459