on July 24-31, 2016.
ICMI is hereby renewing our call for proposals for National Presentations at ICME 13 in Hamburg, on July 24-31, 2016.
The proposals should be sent from the ICMI Representatives.
If your country does not have a representative, please contact the ICMI Secretary General.
According to tradition, ICME-13 will allot two 90 minute slots for National Presentations. This allows countries to showcase various aspects of their mathematics education: curricula, preparation of teachers, statistics, educational policies, mathematics education research and/or any other aspect to be decided by the presenters. The National Presentation can include lectures, active demonstrations, material displays and illustrative videos.
In the past, the International Program Committee (IPC) invited a small number of countries to these presentations. The IPC of ICME 13 decided to solicit statements of intent from countries interested in presenting their mathematics education systems.
Such statements of intent should include:
- A brief proposal describing the intended activities and exhibitions.
- The name of the person responsible for that presentation.
- A strong commitment from the responsible person and/or two other persons to attend the conference and run the presentation.
- Statements (from the ICMI representative, prominent researchers, policy makers, educators, national associations and the like) in the proposing country, expressing their support and collaboration in order to plan and run the presentation.
Proposals for National Presentations from countries that did not present since ICME 9 will be considered.
National Travel and conference fees for the presenters and shipping fees for the materials needed for the presentation are the sole responsibility of the organizers and will not be reimbursed in part or in whole by ICME 13. Further, please note that the exhibition is purely educational and commercial exhibits are to be excluded.
Letter of intent following the above guidelines should be submitted to the Convenor of ICME-13, Professor Gabriele Kaiser (convenor.icme13@uni-hamburg.de)ý
before June 30, 2015.
In case of further questions, contact Abraham Arcavi, ICMI Secretary General via email.