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ICMI Events

  • PME Annual Conference


  • HPM 2012


  • MCG7


  • ICME-12


  • WFNMC mini-conference

    ICME-12 Mini Conference 2012

  • MERGA 2012

    The 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) is hosted by the 

  • EMF 2012 - Espace Mathématique Francophone

    L’Espace Mathématique Francophone (EMF) s’est constitué pour promouvoir réflexions et échanges au sein de la francophonie sur les questions vives de l’enseignement des mathématiques dans nos sociét

  • ICMI Study 21 Conference “Mathematics Education and Language Diversity”

     “Mathematics Education and Language Diversity”

    The conference associated with ICMI Study 21, on the theme "Mathematics Education and Language Diversity"?, will be h

  • CIEAEM 63

    CIEAEM 63:  "Facilitating access and participation – Mathematical practices inside and outside the classroom" / "Faciliter l’accès et la participation – Le

  • ICTMA 15

    15th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications

    The International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA) invites

  • PME 35


    PME 35: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, July 10 - July 15, 2011


    The XIII Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education (XIII Conferencia Interamericana de Educación Matemática) will be held in Recife, Brasil, on June 26-30, 2011.

  • Study 21 Deadline

    Deadline for submissions of contributions to the ICMI Study 21 on

    "Mathematics Education and Language Diversity"

  • ICMI Study 20 Conference


    The conference was postponed due to volcano Eyjafjllajokull.


    The Fifth East Asia Regional Conference in Mathematics Education (EARCOME-5) will be held at the National Olympics Memori

  • PME-34

    PME-34 will be held at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on July 18 - July 23, 2010.  Information is available on the c



  • Klein Design Team

    The Design Team of the Klein Project will have its second meeting in Auckland, NZ, on April 13-16, 2010.

  • ICMI EC Meeting

    The 2010-2012 Executive Committee of ICMI will have its first meeting in Auckland, New Zealand, on April 5-9, 2010.  Comments and suggestions for the EC are welcome and should be sent to the&n