The volumes resulting from the ICMI Studies appear in the New ICMI Studies Series (NISS) published by Springer under the general editorship of the President and the Secretary-General of ICMI.
Before launching this study, ICMI deceided to host a one-day online symposium on 20th March 2023 (GMT), to act as a gathering point for scholars working in what might be diverse areas, but whose concerns could be broadly grouped together as “socioecological”.
The aims of the symposium were:
- To gather the “state of the art” of socio-ecological research from around the world and engage in
dialogue across perspectives.
- To explore the different ways in which a theorization of the socio-ecological influences the focus and
methodological approach of mathematics education research.
- To consider practical implications of socio-ecological research for school/university curriculum and
pedagogy, education outside formal structures, teacher preparation, and policy.
This Symposium was very successful and
ICMI nominated the following International Program Committee (IPC):
The IPC meetings were held:
For the online meetings the IPC sometimes had two meetings to cater for the time differences.
The Discussion Document is accessible here. The Discussion Document (DD), details the study and is a call for contributions. (A short version of the DD is accessible here). Further information about the Discussion Document can be found here.
See this website for more information.
The ICMI Study Volume is now in preparation and is expected to be published at the end of 2026.
ICMI Study 26: Advances in Geometry Education
see website for more information
In September 2022 the ICMI EC announced the launching of the 26th ICMI Study on Advances in Geometry Education.
The Discussion Document is accessible here. The Discussion Document (DD), details the study and is a call for contributions.
(A short version of the DD is accessible here).
International Program Committee
The first IPC Meeting took place in Valencia (Spain) on February 23-25, 2023.
The IPC as well as the ICMI President and ICMI Secretary-General ( ex-officio's and Series Editors) participated in the meeting.
The first meeting of the IPC took place in Valencia at the end of February 2023.
All information is available at :
The procceedings are accessible here
The study Volume is now in preparation and should be published open access in the Springer NISS collection at the beginning of 2026.