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In 2022, CWM  call received 31 applications of which CWM decided to support 10. CWM is supporting the creation of the website of the AOWM (Asian and Oceanian Women in Mathematics) platform and the update of the website of AWMA (African Women in Mathematics Association). Three regional meetings, the third Central Asian Women in Mathematics in Tadjikistan, the second Women in Sage in Africa meeting in Nigeria and the Latin American and Caribbean Workshop on Mathematics and Gender in Oaxaca (Mexico) are also selected. The other five supported proposals are national events to create networks in Gabon, Ghana and Oman , Indian Women in Mathematics activities and the II Brazilian Meeting for Women in Mathematics.

For a brief report on these activitiés, see here.

Asian and Oceanian Women in Mathematics (AOWM) platform

In 2021 a working group was established to define the Asian and Oceanian Women in Mathematics (AOWM) platform whose aim is to
(1) promote activities of all aspects of women in mathematics in Asia and Oceania
(2) support research and career pursuit of young women in particular
(3) form a platform to exchange information
(4) strengthen communications and network.
CWM support is a contribution to the creation of  the website of AOWM.

African Women in Mathematics Association (AWMA) website

The website of the African Women in Mathematics Association (AWMA) is essential to link women in mathematics across Africa and develop AWMA activities, particularly in these times where hybrid activities play a key role. Since its creation in 2015, the website has not not modified, and currently needs a serious upgrade.
The financial support by CWM is a contribution of the upgrade of the website  by a professional company.

Second Brazilian Meeting for Women in Mathematics - II EBMM

The objectives of the II EBMM (17-18 June 2022),taking place in the Northern region of Brazil, are to promote broad discussions about women in mathematics with a focus at Amazonian women mathematicians and their adversities, with reports and experiences of mathematics whether local, national and/or Latin American. The ultimate goal is to promote and extend discussions on women's issues in mathematics, dissemination of scientific productions, as well as other initiatives and projects, providing regional immersion and Latin American integration. CWM funds transport and accommodation expenses for invited speakers.

Workshop for Gabonese Women Mathematicians

The first offical meeting of the Gabonese woman mathematicians took place on 30 October 2021. Several Gabonese woman mathematicians who are working in the provinces could not participate the first meeting. The second meeting is planned as a three-days workshop which will welcome more participants from 15 til 17 March 2022. Before the workshop there will be activities concerning the International Day of Mathematics (IDM 2022) organized by all the Gabonese mathematicians. The three days workshop for woman mathematicians contains panel discussions, testimonies and some talks. The last day of the workshop, Gabonese woman mathematicians will finalize the statutes and officially implement the Gabonse woman in Mathematics Association.
CWM funds transport and accommodation expenses for participants of the workshop.

Workshop: Evidence based approach to bridging the gender gap in mathematics, Ghana

The World Economic Forum stated that only 4.9% of engineering jobs are held by women in Ghana. The numbers are particularly low in the energy sector with only 3% female engineers in the power transmission sector. The field of artificial intelligence has also seen negligible numbers of female engineers, with only 22% in the current workforce. Admission records in Ghanaian universities portray a gloomy picture about females in mathematics and science and in scientific communities.
The aim of the workshop (in-person and virtual - April 26, 2022) is to create a forum for participants to rethink about challenges prompting the gender gap in the scientific and academic communities, and obtain baseline data to enable us to conduct joint research within West Africa on innovative ways to ensure gender parity in STEM. CWM contributes to the budget of the meeting.

Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) Activities in 2022-2023

The IWM, which is a collective of mathematicians from India, came into existence in 2009. Its objectives over the years have been to encourage more women to pursue higher education in mathematics, and to provide an environment, and exposure to new trends, that enables them to take up careers in mathematics. CWM contribues to suppoort the IWM activities in the financial year April 2022- March 2023 for Mini courses, Website management, and the IWM Annual Conference in December 2022.

Latin American and Caribbean Workshop on Mathematics and Gender, México

This workshop will be held in the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS), Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO), from May 15th to May 20th. The purpose of the meeting is to create networks among women from different areas of theoretical mathematics, as well as to discuss and analyze their work environment, the role they and other female mathematicians play in their communities, and the ways they and their work can nurture future generations of women in mathematics. Due to COVID-19, the workshop will be held in hybrid format.

Workshop: Second Women in SAGE in Africa (Nigeria)

SageMath is free mathematics software developed by the research community, students, and research engineers. Since 2007, more than 100 Sage Days have been organized around the world. During these days, participants discover the SageMath software, develop their programming skills and contribute to the development of the software. There are few women developing SageMath,  and the Women in Sage meetings are special Sage Days encouraging women to code.

During the workshop (12-16 September 2022) there will be work in groups from Monday to Thursday and some talks and panels on Women in Mathematics presenting AWMA, the CWM, and CIMPA opportunities. On Friday the participants will explain to their peers what their learnt during the week.
CWM contributes to support travel cost and meals of some participants.

Constitution of a network of Women Mathematicians in South Asian and Middle Eastern Region, Oman

The main aim of the event is to constitute a network of Women Mathematicians in South Asian and Middle Eastern Region. Countries covered at initial level are Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Oman, Turkey, and UAE. The expected women participants are 25-30.
CWM contributes to the budget of the meeting.


Regional section Tajik Women in Mathematics, and Regional Meeting of CAWMA, Tajikistan

The main objectives  are the Establishment of the section Tajik Women in Mathematics under the Tajik Mathematical Society and Association for Central Asian Woman in Mathematics Association (CAWMA), and the Organization of the Regional Meeting for Central Asian Woman Association in
Mathematics 2022 (Central Asian Meeting for Women in Mathematics 2022). CWM contributes to the budget of the meeting.