CIMPA School: Arithmétique algorithmique et cryptographie, D.R. Congo, May 7-18, 2018
The school took place in the Faculté des Sciences of the University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, from May 7 to May 18, 2018. It gathered about 50 participants:
7 mathematicians from several countries (France, Italy, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, USA) who gave 40 hours of lectures on selected topics as well as exercise sessions, 8 young participants from neighbouring countries (Benin, Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Ivory Coast, South Africa), master students or PhD students, in number theory or cryptography, about 40 regular local participants from the University of Kinshasa and other universities in DRC, mathematicians or computer scientists, students or researchers, interested in the topics of this school. The conference succeeded particularly well in gathering people from different mathematical backgrounds with interests in computational aspects of number theory and cryptography. Attendance remained high until the end of the school. Participants took a very active part by asking questions during lectures or solving exercises during tutorial sessions.
For the scientific report go here.