Please ensure that you carefully go through all the requirements listed below before sending your application.
1. The applicant has to hold a valid doctoral degree (PhD) in mathematics.
2. The African applicant must be based (place of work) in an African developing country for the list of eligible countries please click here.
Countries whose Gross National Income per Capita (GNI) is less than 11000 USD are classified by IMU as "Developing Country". For a list please go here.
3. The applicant has to be employed as a mathematician in a faculty of a university or an equivalent higher education institution.
4. The applicant should already have established contact with a mathematician in the host institution in mathematical centre of excellence worldwide and should have a definite research plan together with the host, which must be submitted along with the curriculum vitae of both mathematicians at the time of applying for this grant. This plan should be approved by the host as well.
5. The applicant should have been granted appropriate leave of absence from his/her home institution which will cover the period of the visit.
6. The application must also be accompanied by a formal letter of invitation from the host institution, which clearly specifies the period of the (short) research visit and the extent of the host institutions financial commitment and support.
It is expected that the host institution would at least offer office space, free internet access and other basic amenities.
The host institution also has to help the grantee to find accommodation in the institutions guest house or help to rent a flat. In case no guest house or flat is avaiable, the host institution has to issue a letter that accommodation is only possible in an economic hotel/ apartment hotel with kitchenette.
The invitation has to be signed by the dean/ head of the faculty of the host institution (not the host).
7. The minimal length of a visit that could be favourably considered is one month. There is no maximal length, but it has to be a sabbatical/ research visit not a fellowship position in the host institution (e.g. doing a post-doctoral).
8. The maximum amount of the grant is USD 5.000.
9. The grant is paid in two installments:
First payment for flight, accommodation, travel insurance, visa and some funds for living costs before departure.
Second payment for food, public transportation and transport to the airport after the visit based on all receipts.
To receive the second payment the report, pictures and all invoices must be send to the IMU Secretariat before the second payment can be done.
10. All spending needs to be verified with invoices and funds spent without receipts have to be returned to CDC.If you do not receive invoices, please let us know during your visit.