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The ICMI Digital Library Project

The ICMI Digital Library Project aims at providing open access to ICMI publications.  
The Commission has been contemplating for a long time making available freely online all the documents produced by ICMI or on the occasion of the various activities organised under its auspices.  This long-term initiative received a major impetus in 2007 when, in the context of the Digitisation Programme of the International Mathematical Union, ICMI was offered by the IMU Executive Committee to have the support of the IMU Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC), in particular as regards the digitisation of past ICMI publications.
The material to be made acccessible via the ICMI Digital Library includes for instance the issues of the ICMI Bulletin, the Proceedings of all the ICME congresses or the volumes resulting from the ICMI Studies.  But it also refers to other publications related to activities supported or sponsored by ICMI, such as the proceedings of ICMI regional conferences.
Comment and suggestions about the ICMI Digital Library Project and how to make it a useful tool for the community are most welcome and should be sent to the ICMI Secretary-General.

An overview of the available documents can be found below.

List of Publications Available

"All Positive Action Starts with Criticism, Hans Freudenthal and the Didactics of Mathematics", Author: la Bastide-van Gemert, Sacha. The chapters will be published on this website in 2021 as a pdf). You can buy the book NOW from this Webpage.

Bundgaard, S. (1960). Lectures on modern teaching of geometry and related topics. (ICMI-Seminar, Elementær Afdeling Nr. 7), Aarhus : Aarhus Universitet. Click here for the PDF format.


Affiliate Organizations Conference Proceedings

  • ICMI Affiliate Organizations foster international collaboration and exchanges in mathematics education, including multi-national organizations with interest in mathematics education, each operating in ways consistent with the aims and values of the Commission. 

ICMI Bulletin

ICME Proceedings

  • Here are the Proceedings of ICME-2 held in 1972 in Exeter (UK) and published by Cambridge University Press. They are available freely for the ICMI community. (Proceedings of ICME-6 held in 1988 in Budapest (Hungary) and Proceedings of ICME-8 held in Sevilla (Spain) in 1996)

ICMI Studies:

ICMI Study Volumes
The first five ICMI Study volumes (published by Cambridge University Press) are available freely for the ICMI community. 

ICMI Study Conferences Proceedings
Proceedings of several Study Conferences are available.

ICMI Studies Discussion Documents
All ICMI Studies begin with the production of a Discussion Document in which a number of key issues and sub-themes related to the theme of the Study are identified and described in a preliminary manner. The Discussion Document is widely disseminated internationally to solicit papers from the field.

ICMI Regional Conference Proceedings

  • A number of Regional Conferences have taken place over the years, the aim being to foster reflection, action and co-operation among mathematicians, mathematics educators and teachers in as many regions of the world as possible. 


Proceedings from other ICMI Conferences

Proceedings of the symposium organised in 2000 to celebrate the centennial of the journal L'Enseignement Mathématique, the official organ of ICMI.

L'Enseignement Mathématique