The Executive Committee of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) a number of years ago created two awards, each in the form of a medal and a certificate, to recognise outstanding accomplishments in mathematics education research:
the Felix Klein Award, for lifelong achievement in mathematics education research,
the Hans Freudenthal Award, for a major programme of research on mathematics education.
The Felix Klein medal is awarded for life-time achievement in mathematics education research. This award is aimed at acknowledging those excellent scholars who have shaped our field over their lifetimes. Past candidates have been influential and have had an impact both at the national level within their own countries and at the international level. We have valued in the past those candidates who not only have made substantial research contributions, but also have introduced new issues, ideas, perspectives, and critical reflections. Additional considerations have included leadership roles, mentoring, and peer recognition, as well as the actual or potential relationship between the research done and improvement of mathematics education at large, through connections between research and practice. The six Klein medals that have been awarded thus far have been given to: Guy Brousseau, Ubiritan D’Ambrosio, Jeremy Kilpatrick, Gilah C. Leder, Alan H. Schoenfeld, and Miche?le Artigue.
The Hans Freudenthal medal is aimed at acknowledging the outstanding contributions of an individual’s theoretically well-conceived and highly coherent research programme. It honours a scholar who has initiated a new research programme and has brought it to maturation over the past 10 years. The research programme is one that has had an impact on our community. It is also intended that a Freudenthal awardee should still have a minimum of a decade of active research work ahead of him or her so as to continue contributing to the field. In brief, the criteria for this award are depth, novelty, sustainability, and impact of the research programme. The six Freudenthal medals that have been awarded thus far have been given to: Celia Hoyles, Paul Cobb, Anna Sfard, Yves Chevallard, Luis Radford, and Frederick K. S. Leung.
The ICMI Klein and Freudenthal Awards Committee consists of a chair (Professor Carolyn Kieran) nominated by the President of ICMI, and five other members who remain anonymous until their terms have come to an end. The ICMI Klein and Freudenthal Awards Committee is at this time entering the 2015 cycle of selecting awardees and welcomes nominations for the two awards from individuals or groups of individuals in the mathematics education community.
Nominations for the Felix Klein Award should include the following:
1) a document (max 10 pages) describing the achievements of the nominee (e.g., research contributions and/or theoretical work, leadership roles, graduate supervision and mentoring, and peer recognition) and reasons for the nomination (including the nominee’s impact on the field);
2) a one-page summary statement;
3) a curriculum vitae of the nominee (max 20 pages);
4) electronic copies of three of the nominee’s key publications;
5) three letters of support (preferably from different countries); and
6) the names and e-mail coordinates of two persons who could provide further information, if needed.
Nominations for the Hans Freudenthal Award should include the following:
1) a document (max 5 pages) describing the nominee’s research programme and reasons for the nomination (including the nominee’s impact on the field);
2) a one-page summary statement;
3) a curriculum vitae of the nominee (max 10 pages);
4) electronic copies of three of the nominee’s key publications;
5) three letters of support (from different countries, if possible); and
6) the names and e-mail coordinates of two persons who could provide further information, if needed.
All nominations must be sent by e-mail ( to the Chair of the Committee no later than June 15, 2015.
Prof. Carolyn Kieran, Chair of the ICMI Klein and Freudenthal Awards Committee Departement de mathematiques
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
C.P. 8888, succursale Centre-Ville
Montreal, QC, H3C 3P8 CANADA