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ICMI Newsletter - June 2023

ICMI Newsletter - June 2023

Jean-Luc Dorier (ICMI Secretary-General)
Merrilyn Goos (ICMI Vice President)
Lena Koch (ICMI Administrative Manager)

The ICMI Newsletter has new publishing dates:
March 15, June 15, September 15, December 15

1. Editorial

Editorial-from the desk of Merrilyn Goos, ICMI Vice President, with Anjum Halai, ICMI 2021-2024

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If you asked me to nominate which ICMI activity has had the most significant influence on my own development as a mathematics educator, I would probably choose the ICMI Studies series.

So far there have been 23 completed Studies, and a further three are currently in progress:

- Study 24: School mathematics curriculum reforms: Challenges, changes and opportunities
- Study 25: Teachers of mathematics working and learning in collaborative groups
- Study 26: Advances in geometry education

And soon there will be 27 ...

... because in this newsletter we are announcing the launch of ICMI Study 27 on the theme of “Mathematics education and the socio-ecological”, which will be co-chaired by Kate Le Roux (University of Cape Town) and Alf Coles (University of Bristol). I want to highlight some innovative aspects of the process leading to this launch–but first, let me explain why I think ICMI Studies are so unique and valued.

An ICMI Study is an investigation of a topic of contemporary interest in mathematics education. Each Study is launched by a Discussion Document that surveys the particular topic of interest, identifies themes for investigation, and invites submission of short papers
to the Study Conference. Thus, the Study Conference gathers invited participants whose papers have been accepted and who have expertise in this topic. The Study Conference is organized around working groups that engage in lively discussion of the topic. This conference results in a Study Volume–an edited book, with chapters from the working groups, that provides a critical review and synthesis of current and future trends.

So an ICMI Study is more than a conference, and more than a book project –it is designed to capture the current “state of the art” in a particular field while mapping out future research directions to move the field forward over the next ten or more years.

From a personal perspective, I have happy memories of the first ICMI Study conference I attended in Brazil 2005–this was for Study 15, on the professional education and development of teachers of mathematics. Beyond these personal recollections, I know something about the value that the mathematics education community attaches to ICMI Studies from the review of Studies 12 to 25 that was conducted by Jill Adler, Lena Koch, and myself in 2020/21. It was clear from the responses to our international survey of past Study participants that they valued the following:

  • the timeliness of Studies and their enduring significance;
  • the benefits of bringing together people from diverse places and backgrounds, including
  • experts in the field as well as new researchers;
  • the quality and influence of the Study Volume; and
  • the mechanism provided by the Studies for promoting international collaboration.

So how has the newest Study on “Mathematics education and the socio-ecological” come about? When the ICMI Executive Committee is considering a theme for an ICMI Study, we take the following aspects into account:

(1) The theme is of broad international interest;
(2) There is sufficient substance in terms of research, literature and practice, in a diversity of contexts and cultures, to ensure productive work and to provide a coherent and useful vision of the theme at stake; and
(3) There is a critical mass of scholars of renowned expertise in the theme who can provide leadership, vision and experience and are committed to invest the effort involved in the production of a Study.

In the case of the newest Study, all of these aspects were brought into focus through an online symposium on “Mathematics education and the socio-ecological” that was held on 20 March 2023, attracting 170 international participants in two overlapping time slots. You can read more details about the symposium contributions and organization later in the newsletter. This was a new kind of ICMI activity that took advantage of the alternative ways of working and interacting across distance and time that we have come to experience during, and now after, the COVID pandemic.

In my view, online exchange can never completely replace in-person interaction, but an event like this does open up new possibilities for stimulating the kind of international collaboration that lies at the heart of ICMI’s program of activities.

I hope you will read the proceedings of this innovative symposium and consider participating in ICMI Study 27 when further details are announced.

2. Prague selected to host ICME-16 (2028)

The ICMI Executive Committee is happy to announce that Prague, Czech Republic was chosen to host ICME-16 in 2028.

The ICMI Executive Committee received two bids to host ICME-16 in 2028 by the November 2022 deadline. Namely (in alphabetical order) from Czech Republic (Prague) and Thailand (Bangkok). Two Site visits were organized in January and February this year, the visiting team being composed of ICMI President, Frederick Leung, Secretary-General Jean-Luc Dorier, Vice-President Merrilyn Goos and Administrative Manager Lena Koch. The visits allowed the visiting team and Executive Committee to understand and appreciate the quality of the local infrastructure, congress center, accommodation, the support the conference will receive locally, nationally and regionally as well as the ideas, composition and expertise of the organizing team.

The bids were thoroughly discussed by the ICMI EC at its face-to-face meeting in Thailand this February; after the site visits additional requests were made to the two bidding countries that had the opportunity to revise the bids accordingly.  The final decision was made through a Video discussion that took place in April 2023. The EC’s decision process was not easy given the high quality of both bids, but only one site could be chosen. In consequence the task of the Executive Committee was especially difficult.

We hope that the international mathematical education community will enthusiastically receive the invitation of our Czech colleagues for 2028, so to make ICME-16 a huge international conference that will advance studies, interest and support for mathematics education all over the world. The tentative dates of ICME-16 are 2-9, July 2028 and a Czech delegation will introduce ICME-16 Prague during ICME-15 in Sydney in July 2024.

The ICMI Executive Committee wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the mathematics education and mathematics communities in the two bidding countries, and especially to the two persons who chaired the committees that prepared the bids, namely Professors Naďa Vondrová (Czech Republic), and Maitree Inprasitha (Thailand).  The care they took coordinating the team that prepared the bids and organized the site visits deserves our recognition.

It is our hope that the enthusiasm of those who supported both bids will reflect not only in ICME-16 (and ICME-15), but in future ICMEs as well.

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3. ICME-15 (2024) Progress update

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Time is just flying by as we fast approach the opening of Congress registrations next month (July 7) – are you as excited as we are?

We are aware there have recently been some technical hiccups with the official ICME-15 Congress website that has prevented access for some users. We’re pleased to confirm these have been resolved. Please access the website regularly and explore the new content at

The Topic Study Group (TSG) Description Papers were recently published on the Congress website, and the TSG Submission Portal is now open. Every delegate who attends ICME-15 can participate in, and make a submission to, two TSGs – one from Strand A, and one from Strand B. Explore the TSG Description Papers, and access the TSG Submission Portal, via the Congress website.

Several National Presentations were also recently announced via the website, with planning for several more on the way. Israel, Kenya, and the Realm of Aotearoa/New Zealand, including Niue and the Cook Islands, will be making National Presentations at ICME-15.

The Second Announcement will provide you with all the information you need to plan your trip to ICME-15 next year, but if you have any questions, contact the Congress Secretariat at

4. News about ICMI Studies 24, 25, 26 and 27
24th ICMI Study on “School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities”.
The Study Volume will be published within a few weeks in the Springer collection and be available Open Access.
25th ICMI Study Volume on “Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups”
should follow soon afterwards.
26th ICMI Study on Advances in Geometry Education was launched in 2022.
The International Program Committee (IPC) for the Study can be found here.
The first meeting of the IPC took place in Valencia at the end of February 2023.

The Discussion Document (DD), which details the study and is a call for contributions, is accessible on the ICMI website and on the website of the study: .

The Study conference will be held in Reims (France), on April 23-26, 2024.
The deadline for submitting an 8-page paper is September 15, 2023.

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27th ICMI Study on “Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological” has been launched by the ICMI Executive Committee during its meeting on April 28, 2023.
The two co-chairs have been appointed: Kate Le Roux (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and Alf Coles (University of Bristol, UK).
The International Program Committee (IPC) will be nominated soon. Its first role will be to produce a Discussion Document that should be made public at the end of 2023 or early in 2024.


5. Report on the ICMI Symposium on: Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological

Report compiled by Kate le Roux and Alf Coles
Download here Program and proceedings

What is and might be the role of mathematics and mathematics education in multiple, intersecting, social, political, and ecological issues of climate change, poverty, inequality, health crises, discrimination and marginalization, and totalitarianism? This is the concern that brought together 170 mathematics educators, mathematics teachers, mathematicians, and scientists whose work makes links to the sociopolitical and ecological in an online ICMI Symposium, Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological, on 20 March 2023.

We offered two prompts to contributors, by way of symposium aims. Firstly, we wanted to explore the different ways in which a theorization of the socio-ecological influences the focus and methodology of mathematics education research. We wanted to draw on work from diverse traditions, including: critical mathematics education; decoloniality; ethnomathematics; feminist perspectives; Indigenous ways of knowing; mathematical modelling.  Secondly, we were interested in the implications of our research across a range of sites: school and university mathematics, in interdisciplinary relations with other subjects; classrooms; teacher education; research practice; community spaces; and policy.
These aims were amply met, by over 50 symposium presentations from 18 countries, including 11 plenary contributions:

Plenary speakers: Willy Alangui (The Philippines) and Armando Solares-Rojas (Mexico), in discussion with Rochelle Gutiérrez (United States of America).
Plenary panellists: Omar Arellano (Mexico); Elizabeth de Freitas (United States of America); Jodie Hunter (New Zealand); Berinderjeet Kaur (Singapore); Lara Lalemi (United Kingdom); Mariam Makramalla (Egypt); Jeff Murugan (South Africa); Mogens Niss (Denmark).

A striking characteristic to emerge from the symposium contributions is the relational nature of the reported mathematics education research. It involves on-going, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary relations with other knowledges, practices, languages, and values. It involves on-going collaborative relations between researchers, teachers, students, communities, activist movements, government and non-government institutions, natural scientists and social scientists. It involves moving between context and materiality, and abstraction. A coherent thread is researchers’ attention in these relations to notions of power, responsibility, answerability, activism, care, agency, and democracy. At the same time, this work is strengthened by the diversity of theoretical perspectives (and interpretations thereof), being brought to and given meaning in local experiences of mathematics education in the socio-ecological, all of which are manifestations of global sustainability concerns.

Symposium participants stressed the urgency and uncertainty of acting in response to ecosystemic crises and the need to recognize the roles mathematics, and mathematics education, does and could play. The Symposium contributions demonstrated recent generative work and the energy to build on these foundations. There was a strong sense of this Symposium being the start of new conversations, collaborations, and scholarship.

This ICMI symposium was a collaborative initiative – generously enabled by conceptual and logistical support from ICMI - involving Alf Coles, Kate le Roux, Richard Barwell, Marcelo Borba, Anna Chronaki, Lauren Hennessy, Rochelle Gutiérrez, Aldo Parra, Armando Solares, Mariam Makramalla, Milton Rosa, and Jayasree Subramanian.


6. ICMI Awards: Awardees to be announced during the opening ceremony of ICME

After consulting Alan Schoenfeld, chair of the Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal Awards committee and Helen Forgasz, chair of the Emma Castelnuovo award committee, the ICMI EC has made a decision about the process of announcing winners of these awards.

After a discussion in the EC meeting in February, it was decided that from now on the names of the recipients of the three awards, which are given every four years, will remain secret until presentation of the official medals at the opening ceremony of the following International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME).

This will be effective immediately and therefore the winners of the 2024 ICMI Awards will be announced on July 7, 2024 in Sydney at the ICME-15 opening ceremony.


7. ICMI AMOR Updates

Latest news: Yves Chevallard’s last Module and Ubiratan D’Ambrosio module 0 are now accessible.

We remind you that the ICMI AMOR project aims at building online resources reflecting highly significant and influential research in mathematics education at an international level, that could serve as a reference not only for researchers in the field, but also for educators, teachers, curriculum developers and policy makers and other agents in the field.

In order to build our resources ICMI has decided to focus on each Felix Klein, Hans Freudenthal and Emma Castelnuovo ICMI Awardee, through what we have called the AMOR (Awardees Multimedia Online Resources) project.

Each Awardee is represented in a unit consisting of a series of 8 to 12 modules comprising videos of 10 to 30 minutes up to a total of 120-180 mins of video material.
So far 3 units are complete: Michèle Artigue’s, Yves Chevallard’s (the last module has been posted very recently) and Anna Sfard’s. Guy Brousseau’s and Celia Hoyles’ units are already quite advanced and, thanks to the work of Milton Rosa and Daniel Clark Orey, Ubiratan D’Ambrosio’s unit has now been launched.

You are welcome to visit the website and send your comments to

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8. 2023 International Day of Mathematics (IDM)

Report about the 2023 International Day of Mathematics (IDM)

Christiane Rousseau, Chair of the IDM Governing Board


The theme for IDM 2023 was “Mathematics for Everyone”. This year, nearly 4000 events in more than 90 countries were reported on the IDM map.
The dream is that numerous schools around the world decide to celebrate the IDM in the classroom on a yearly basis. For that purpose, material for classroom activities is available on the IDM website. For the first time pairing of schools occurred between schools of Haiti and schools of Democratic Republic of Congo, and classrooms collaborated (in French) on a project for several weeks before the IDM. We hope to enlarge this initiative to more schools and more languages in the coming years. The teachers could attend a teacher training workshop to help them through the venture.
An international live virtual celebration took place on March 14 with nine 10-15 minute lively lectures. The lecturers gave attention to focusing their lectures on school children. The second session involved four lectures presented by the four 2022 Fields medalists. During the live celebration, there were only subtitles in English. But subtitles have been produced in other languages among English, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, Arabic, Chinese, German, and others. These videos can still be downloaded at Vimeo showcase and shown to other audiences. The live blog of March 14 showed the diversity and success of many celebrations around the world. On March 14 the IDM website got over 89000 unique visitors.
An impressive number of 3200 comics were received through the 2023 Comic challenge. A selection of them can be enjoyed in the gallery and a map can be browsed.

The French version ‘’Des maths pour agir : accompagner la prise de décision par la science’’ of the UNESCO tool kit ‘’Mathematics for Action: Supporting Science-Based Decision Making’’ was launched during the UNESCO Webinar. IMU and ICMI are part of the consortium of experts which produced the tool kit.
To help us spreading the IDM in the schools networks, we are looking for IDM Ambassadors in all countries for inviting the local schools to celebrate. Please feel invited to become an IDM Ambassador or to recruit an IDM Ambassador in your community. You can contact us at Invite anyone interested in the IDM (including them) to register to the IDM Newsletter on the IDM website to learn of all announcements.


9. Once upon a time

Once upon a time…  Historical vignettes from the Archives of ICMI: A glance at archival material in action
Bernard R. Hodgson,
Curator of the ICMI Archive

Over recent decades, a number of books have appeared casting light on various facets of the history of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). A cardinal example of such a book, [1], published already a quarter of a century ago under the pen of Olli Lehto, Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) for the period 1983-1990, remains a prime source concerning many crucial episodes in the life of ICMI, as seen within the global context of IMU history. Readers of this column would have noticed how often I am referring to Lehto’s treatise in my ICMI Archive vignettes. While the book is not about the history of ICMI by itself, it offers a solid and informative vision of the evolution of the Commission, from its early days, prior to the establishment of IMU per se, up to the attachment of ICMI to the “new IMU” as its education commission, in the middle of the past century, and the spectacular development that followed for ICMI, including a gradual gain of a certain form of autonomy.
Another book of more recent vintage also written from an IMU vantage point is Norbert Schappacher’s monograph [2]. This book results from an open call made by the IMU Executive Committee and is connected to a symposium held in 2021 to mark the centennial of IMU. (The birth of IMU in fact occurred in 1920, but the centennial gathering had to be delayed by a year because of the COVID pandemic.) I have already presented in a previous vignette [3] salient features from Schappacher’s work. While the exposure given to ICMI remains delimited, due to the general emphasis and scope of the book, the reader will find condensed and up-to-date historical information about “the resilient nucleus of the IMU” (expression taken from the title of Schappacher’s chapter devoted to ICMI).

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-13 um 16.27.16.pngLehto’s Mathematics without borders (1998) and Schappacher’s Framing global mathematics (2022)
(Source: IMU Archive)

Other books set forth an explicit connection with the history of ICMI. Such is the case of the proceedings [4] of the centennial symposium organized in 2008 in Rome, the birthplace of ICMI on the occasion of the fourth International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM). Proposing a three-fold perspective on ICMI—the past, the present and the future— the symposium was “based on [the] conviction that history is a powerful and appealing means not only of giving an account of the past but also of building the future”, with the aim of identifying “the future directions of research in education and possible initiatives for improving the level of mathematics culture in the various countries.” [4, p. 4] The program of the symposium consisted of nine plenary lectures, eight short talks, a panel discussion and five working groups. These proceedings will possibly remain as a landmark in the literature about the history of ICMI, if only in the way they reflect what was then a recent and most dramatic development in the infrastructure and governance of ICMI, above all with respect to the ICMI election procedure (on this account, see my Archive vignette [5]). Comments about this astounding episode—still highly unexpected at the turn of the century—are to be found at various places in the ICMI centennial proceedings.
Another book celebrating a centennial linked to the origins of ICMI is the proceedings [6] of the symposium organized jointly by the Université de Genève and ICMI to celebrate the first century of the journal L’Enseignement Mathématique (L’EM), established in 1899 and the official organ of the Commission from its inception in 1908. This symposium was not intended to cover a large spectrum within the history of ICMI itself, as the bulk of the program was built around three main themes—geometry, analysis and applications of mathematics—considered via documents having appeared in L’EM (among other sources), so to foster reflection on the evolution of mathematics education over the twentieth century as crystallized at three different periods: 1900, 1950 and 2000. Yet the program also proposed ingredients about the early years of ICMI, in particular with respect to the spirit of internationalism and scientific solidarity that animated those behind the establishment of both L’EM and ICMI ([7], pp. 11-12), and most notably Henri Fehr (1870-1954), founding co-editor of L’EM and ICMI first Secretary-General.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-13 um 16.30.03.png  ICMI Centennial Symposium (2008) and L’Enseignement Mathématique Centennial Symposium (2003)
(Source: IMU Archive)

An example of a bona fide ICMI history book is the monograph [8] edited by Alexander Karp and concentrating on a very specific perspective and period of ICMI, namely actions taken by some of the so-called national subcommissions of ICMI during its very early days, in the years 1908-1920. The original mandate given to ICMI by the IMU General Assembly held during the 1908 ICM called for “a careful examination of the programs and methods of mathematics teaching at secondary schools of the various nations” (quoted in [9, p. 7]), and for a report to be presented at the next ICM. Eventually the mandate was extended, and the work of the Commission continued despite the turmoil provoked by WW1, so that by 1920 a total of 300 reports summing jointly to 13,565 pages had been produced from eighteen countries involved in the work of ICMI (plus some reports from the Central Committee, the ancestor of the ICMI Executive Committee) [10, p. 31]. Karp’s book proposes an in-depth case study for six of these eighteen countries: France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Russia and the United States.

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Karp’s National Subcommissions of ICMI (2022)
The theme of the present vignette stems from a recent publication fully devoted to the history of ICMI and proposing a kaleidoscope of perspectives on its first hundred years: the book [11], edited by Fulvia Furinghetti and Livia Giacardi. A most welcome addition to the ICMI history literature, this 700-page volume is closely related to the History of ICMI website [12] launched by the two editors in 2008, on the occasion of the ICMI centennial symposium. In the words of the editors, “the purpose of this volume is to understand and outline the evolution of the objectives and field of action of ICMI, from its creation in 1908 in Rome until 2008, through the description of the main events and protagonists of ICMI history” [11, p. viii]—an objective clearly closely related to that of their history website.

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Furinghetti & Giacardi’s ICMI 1908-2008 (2022)
The book is divided into three parts.
•   Part III (pp. 347-707) accounts for a little more than half of the book (indexes excluded) and is a distinctive feature of the approach proposed by the two editors. It is in direct link with the “portrait gallery” found on the history website and proposes a total of 63 biographical portraits (revised and expanded to some degree) of people having played important roles in the life of ICMI. Among these, 54 concern members of the ICMI Executive Committee (or Central Committee) who had passed away at the time of the ICMI centennial symposium. And 9 portraits present other “eminent figures” close to ICMI, for instance Charles-Ange Laisant (1841-1920), founding co-editor of L’Enseignement Mathématique together with Henri Fehr. Emphasis is placed on the involvement of these scholars within ICMI or more generally in mathematics education.
•   Part II (pp. 239-346)—about 15 % of the book—is entitled “Events and Data” and offers a miscellany of basic factual information about ICMI. One will find there for instance a timeline of marking moments (substantially expanded from the website version) providing a most useful chronological framework about ICMI; the list of all the ICMI Executive Committees members, from 1908 to 2008; the contents of all the education sessions held during the International Congresses of Mathematicians, from the very first one in Zürich in 1897 up to the 2006 Madrid ICM; or an illustrated presentation of the process of internationalization of ICMI over its first century, through a series of maps pointing to the countries that are members of ICMI.
•   Part I (pp. 1-238), which makes up a third of the book, comprises four chapters, three of which aim at providing an historical background to the rest of the book, and in particular to the portraits of Part III: a first chapter by Gert Schubring on the early years of ICMI, up to WW2; another chapter by the two editors looking at the rebirth of ICMI in 1952 as the education commission of the newly reestablished IMU, up to the vibrant term of Hans Freudenthal (1905-1990) as President of ICMI; and a chapter by Marta Menghini on ICMI in the ‘post-Freudenthal era’ [13], in the light of the series of International Congresses on Mathematical Education, from ICME-1 (1969) to ICME-8 (2008). Part I closes with a fourth chapter by Livia Giacardi presenting a selection of ICMI Archive documents, on which I now wish to expand.
Authors preparing a paper dealing with historical matters need to count on reliable information, so that access to archive documents typically becomes highly crucial for them. The various books that I have mentioned in this vignette—and in particular the three history chapters of Part I of [11]—are a clear testimony to this essential need. In that connection, Giacardi’s chapter [14], entitled ‘The voice of the protagonists: A selection of unpublished letters’, is quite unique in the ICMI literature, as it proposes a set of 69 archive documents (68 letters and one report) presented in extenso.

Read the full vignette here.

10. News from ICMI Country representatives and Affiliate organizations

10.1. International Day of Mathematics in Bangladesh

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According to the declaration of UNESCO, 14th of March is celebrated as the IDM worldwide. This year the theme of the IDM is “Mathematics for everyone”. The major goal of the IDM, with expected benefits for students, teachers, women and girls and the society is to improve understanding among the general public and decision makers, the importance of Mathematics in education.

Program Schedule
09:30 – 10:30 am Inauguration and Rally
10:30 – 11:30 am Quiz Competition (For Students)
11:30 am– 12:30 pm Seminar on “Mathematics for everyone and Mathematics is a Language”
Speakers: Dr. Md Abdul Hakim Khan, BUET and Dr. Md. Kamrujjaman, DU
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Prize giving of the winners of Quiz Competition and Closing ceremony
Theme: “Mathematics for Everyone”
A Quiz competition was held in two categories:
Category I: Students of college level (11th and 12th Classes)
Category II: Students of undergraduate level

We thank Professor Dr. Mohammad Babul Hasan– Secretary of the Bangladesh Mathematical Society and ICMI Country representative – for sending this information on the program of the 2023 IDM celebrations.

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The Challenge of a Face-to-Face IACME XVI (CIAEM) in the Current Scenario
Angel Ruiz President, Inter-American Committee of Mathematics Education

The organization of the XVI Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education  is in the final phase. The event will take place from July 30 to August 4, 2023, in Lima, Peru. During a period of 5 months, 700 papers from more than 1000 authors from 28 countries were received and carefully reviewed. Finally, 500 papers were approved in the modalities of scientific communications, workshops, and posters. Similarly, 50 invited speakers agreed to participate in the scientific program of this event. Since the beginning of May, the program of the event has been available, as well as the full text of all the presentations.

This Conference will be a face-to-face event (except for a very few online interventions); it will not be a hybrid event. This has been a great challenge for the organization, since in the context of the pandemic and even during these post-pandemic months, face-to-face academic activities were extraordinarily restricted. In addition, the possibilities of financial support to travel and participate in this way were greatly weakened in this region. Under these conditions, this IACME represents an important achievement for the Inter-American Committee of Mathematics Education and the community of Mathematics Education in the Americas. The physical venue of the event is the University of Lima, which has high-quality facilities to accommodate the participation of hundreds and hundreds of researchers, teachers, and students in a great academic environment.
In this event, the Luis Santaló medal will be awarded to Luis Carlos Arboleda and Marshall Stone medals to Sarah González from the Dominican Republic and Nelly León from Venezuela. Some of the keynote speakers will be Alan Schoenfeld (United States), Uldarico Malaspina (Peru), Soledad Estrella (Chile), Luis Carlos Arboleda (Colombia), Michèle Artigue (France), Marcelo Bairral (Brazil), Luz Manuel Santos (Mexico), Ricardo Poveda (Costa Rica).

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11. Conferences to Come


Dates: July 2 to 6, 2023
Location: Newcastle, Australia

Theme of the conference is “Weaving mathematics education research from all perspectives”
More information can be found on the website.


Dates: July 30 to August 4, 2023
Location: Peru, at the University of Lima, in person.

CIAEM (Conferencia interamericana de educacion mathematica)/ IACME Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education.

More information can be found on the CIAEM website.


Dates: July 9 to 14, 2023
Location: Budapest, Hungary

CERME13 will take place in Budapest, Hungary1½ years after CERME12 and 1½ years before CERME14, planned for February 2025.
Find out more about CERME13 on the website.


Dates: July 16 to 21, 2023
Location: Haifa, Israel

Annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Theme of the conference is “Mathematics education for global sustainability.” More information on the website.

ICME-15 (2024)

Dates: July 7 to July 14, 2024
Location: Sydney, Australia

Read here the second announcement. Find out more on the website.


The 13th International Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness Conference (MCG13) organized by the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG), ICMI affiliate thematic organization, will be held at the Central University of Technology – Free State SOUTH AFRICA from February 20 to 23, 2024.
The conference will be hosted in the Faculty of Humanities by the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. The theme of the conference is “Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness in Diverse Educational Settings”. The conference will include an exciting line-up of keynote speakers aimed at promoting mathematical creativity and giftedness in students of all ages and backgrounds, and supporting interested mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers, teachers, and other practitioners. Proposed conference topics include presentation of research and suggestions for practice that allow for fruitful debates and opportunities for interaction among professionals at all levels with interdisciplinary interests.
A call for proposals is open until July 15, 2023. Conference proceedings will be produced shortly after the conference.
For more details about the venue, program, and deadlines, please visit the conference website.
Contact Linda Sheffield, International Program Committee Chair ( or Gerhard Beukes (,
Local Organizing Committee Chair with any questions.
Viktor Freiman, MCG President,