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Shanghai ICME 2021

Planned workshop at ICME 2021 in Shanghai: The Felix Klein Project – Vignettes in Practice

Hans-Georg Weigand (University of Wuerzburg, Germany), Michelle Artigue (University of Paris, France), Ferdinando Arzarello (University of Torino, Italy), Yuriko Baldin (Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil), Bill McCallum (University of Arizona, USA) and Samuel Bengmark
(University of Gothenburg, Sweden)


Aims and ideas:
Klein Vignettes are for teachers, but we also want to motivate them to bring ideas presented in the vignettes to the classroom. In some years of experience, we noticed that

  1. the ideas of the vignettes have to be supported by activities in the frame of professional development, and
  2. teachers had difficulties with the transfer of the Klein-ideas into the classroom, they had difficulties in creating adequate classroom materials.

This workshop pursues especially three aims:

  1. We want to give best practice examples how the idea of the vignettes could be integrated into the professional development of secondary school teachers;
  2. We want to motivate mathematicians to contribute to the Klein project with a new vignette;
  3. We want to motivate especially mathematics educators to think about Bridging-Vignettes which bridge the gap between the mathematics explained in a classical vignette and its use in the classroom.

Planned Activities


Material / Working format / responsible person

Introduction to the ideas of the Klein Project

Hans-Georg Weigand

Creating vignettes and exploiting them with teachers and students: the case of a vignette on entrelacs

Presentation of the vignette on Entrelacs, its story and associated resources. Practical work of design of entrelacs from some selected graphs. Michèle Artigue, Christian Mercat (France)

Working with Klein Vignettes as teaching strategies in actual classrooms – issues and possibilities. Material for professional development and designing innovating didactical sequences.

Slide presentation / Report and interactive group discussion on given examples/ Yuriko Yamamoto Baldin (Brazil)

From a Klein Vignette to a concrete material for the classroom: the secret message game. Contribution from a work done with Italian teachers.

Slides presentation/ using a software (PARI-GP) for illustrating the game/ short discussion with the ground
Ferdinando Arzarello (Italy)

Klein vignettes and problem-based instruction.

We will give an example of how a Klein vignette can be adapted into materials for a workshop for teachers on problem-based instruction. Bill McCallum (USA)