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CANP 1 Sub-Saharan Africa

The pilot program CANP-EDiMath1 ("Ecole de formation de formateurs d'enseignants en mathematiques et didactique des mathematiques, pour la sous­region francophone d'Afrique de l'Ouest) started in 2011 in Bamako, Mali. The two-week workshop was held at FAST (Faculty of Science and Technology), University of Bamako to build capacity and reinforce mathematical and didactic competencies of mathematics teacher-educators in French-speaking Western Africa. Mathematicians and educators attended from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory-Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, France and Morocco. Special attention was paid to issues of common interest to educators in the region.

Main outcomes of the first workshop in 2011 were:

1) Constitution of a network of practice and research for the education of mathematic teachers in the sub-region of Western Africa called EDiMATH and the election of national committee members
2) Online publication of the first report of the CANP series entitled: « La formation des enseignants en Afrique sub-saharienne - Cinq études des cas : Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Sénégal” Project CANP-Mali (2013, only available in French)
3) Presentation of EDiMaths at the ICMI Regional Conference EMF 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.

After the first two-week workshops in 2011 several activities have been carried out to develop the network:

  • In September 2012 CANP-EDiMaths2 was held in Dakar, Senegal with 75 participants from Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger and colleagues from Algeria, Canada, France and Mozambique, contributing through lectures and workshops.
  • CANP-EDiMaths 3 planned for 2015 in Burkina Faso had to be postponed due to the instable political situation in the region.
  • Two CANP 1 represenatives participated in the CANP Future Workshop in Taiwan in 2018.
  • EDIMATHS-3 was finally held from March 12 to 14, 2020 in Dakar. 53 participants could participate in the workshop. A newsletter was  set up and is hosted at UCAD.
  • Two CANP 1 represenatives participated in the CANP Workshop in Thailand in 2023.


Associated to this CANP is the Association of Western and North African Didacticians of Mathematics (ADiMA)

  • EMF-Alger (2015) laid the groundwork for the Association of Western and North African Didacticians of Mathematics (ADiMA) to be recognized as an ICMI Regional conference and later as an ICMI Affiliate Organization. The  first conference was held from 17 to 19 August 2016 at the École Normale Supérieure in Yaoundé (Cameroon) with the establishment of an executive board of three members who were: President Adolphe ADIHOU (Benin / Canada), Secretary JUDITH NJOMGANG NGANSOP SADJA KAM (Cameroon), Treasurer, Alexandre MOPONDI BENDEKO MBUMBU (Democratic Republic of Congo).

  • The second conference (ADiMA2) was held 16- 18 August 2018, at the Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences (IMSP) in Dangbo (Benin). This international scientific meeting took place under the theme "Place of Didactics of Mathematics in Teacher Education in Africa: Inventories, Challenges and Perspectives". It was co-organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences (IMSP) through the African Centre of Excellence in Mathematical Sciences and Applications (CEA-SMA) on the one hand, and ADiMA and the Association pour les Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques et Sciences in Benin (ARDiMS). ADiMA 2 brought together 116 participants from 13 countries, namely: Benin, Burkina Faso, Canada, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Switzerland, Togo and Tunisia.

  • ADiMA 3, the third Symposium was held from 15 - 20 August 2022 in Hammamet in Tunesia with the topic "Approche interdisciplinaire dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des mathématiques : Quels projets et quels enjeux pour l’Afrique?"

CANP EDiMaths workshop 2011 (English)

Report on the first implementation of CANP "Capacity and Networking Programme in the Mathematical Sciences": School EDiMaths Mali

September 19 -30, 2011, University of Bamako, Mali

The school EDiMaths, which is the first implementation of project CANP "Capacity and Networking Programme in the Mathematical Sciences", a joint program of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (

ICMI) and the International Mathematical Union (IMU) set up with the support of UNESCO and CIMPA, was held in the FAST (Faculty of Science and Technology), University of Bamako from 18 to 30 September 2011. It referred as planned capacity building of teaching mathematics and mathematics teacher educators in the sub-region of Francophone West Africa, paying particular attention to the specific regional context, the strengthening of connections and collaborations between different communities involved in the training of teachers: mathematics, didactics, teacher trainers from secondary schools, inspectors ... and the creation of a regional network of trainers whose activities are intended to continue beyond the EDiMaths only school.


The school concerned as planned five countries in the sub-region: Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger, for which national contacts were identified. Benin has also sent a representative. Participation requests had been received from citizens of other Francophone countries (Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar), but uncertainties about the school budget failed to respond positively to such requests.

The initial project included the funding of about forty participants: 20 from the host country and 5 for each of the other four countries. The selection of participants in each country was made in consultation between the national contacts, the inspectorate and teacher training institutions. This selection has not caused problems, school EDiMaths having, upon its announcement, aroused great interest and national contacts have played their role perfectly. Furthermore, according to our demands, a special effort was made to include the various communities involved in the formation. To the participants in the sub-region are to add the six lecturers French scientific committee members, the local members that have occurred as trainers, the national contacts who also acted as trainers, two invited african faculty members who developed the work on gender, and nine members of the local organizing committee. Finally the effective EDiMaths was composed of 61 persons.

The school was primarily the training of mathematics teachers of the second degree but, as had been hoped, many participants and trainers were also involved in the training of teachers of elementary school. Regarding the participants must be noted, however the large imbalance in the genre, no country in the sub-region having more than two participants and two of them, with the host country, had none.



The school program was developed by the Scientific Committee in consultation with the local organizing committee. In accordance with the philosophy of the program CANP, the Scientific Committee with eight members plus a representative of the ICMI consisted of a balanced academic mathematicians and educationalists, teachers and researchers of the North (in this case France) and the sub-region. The scientific program was organized around seven major themes: fundamental mathematics, contemporary mathematics, situations for class research, technology and mathematics education, cross-cutting themes relevant to regional priorities, building a professional community, promotion of mathematics.

ICMI has proposed to open a Moodle platform accessible to all participants of the school. Initially, in it will be available all documents that have been made to this school and additional resources posted by the trainers. It will also host the current version of the reports prepared for school. It will then serve as a forum between the participants of the school who are committed to continue to feed it by pooling their resources for teacher training. In addition a web page will be open for EDiMaths on the ICMI website where organizers of the school will be able to migrate documents which appear to deserve wider distribution.

The evaluation of EDiMaths was conducted using a questionnaire sent to participants and a debriefing session coordinated by Michèle Artigue. All but three participants meet that EDiMaths has reflected the philosophy of the program CANP and show their commitment to this philosophy. The reasons given to justify this position are primarily the composition of participants in school, the choice of themes and their management through the school and decisions taken to build a regional network. The few negative responses came from participants who feel that the school has not paid sufficient attention to regional specificities.

Achieving EDiMaths was made possible by the support of UNESCO, the International Mathematical Union, the ICMI, the International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA), the SCAC of the Embassy of France in Mali, Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble and substantial support from the Ministry of Education, Literacy and National Languages of Mali. In addition, the FAST University of Bamako has made freely available to EDiMaths, an amphitheater for the opening ceremony, a large room and a computer room for training and provided wireless internet access for participants. The trainers have also benefited from the reception in his office of the Department of Mathematics and a small adjoining office.


Michèle Artigue, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 et ICMI

Report: "La Formation des Enseignants en Afrique Francophone Sub-Saharienne Cinq Etudes de Cas : Burkina Faso, Côte D'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Sénégal" 

CANP EDiMaths workshop 2011 (French)


Ecole de formation de formateurs d'enseignants en mathematiques et didactique des mathematiques, pour la sous­region francophone d'Afrique de l'Ouest

19­-30 septembre 2011, Universite de Bamako, Mali

L’Ecole EDIMATHS est la premiere realisation du projet CANP « Capacity and Networking Project » lance conjointement par l’ICMI, l’IMU et l’ICIAM (ICMI : International Commission for Mathematical Instruction, IMU : International Mathematical Union, ICIAM : International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, CIMPA: Centre International de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees) avec le soutien de l’UNESCO. Elle beneficie aussi du soutien du Ministere francais des affaires etrangeres, du Ministere de l'education malien et du CIMPA.

EDIMATHS s’adresse a des formateurs d’enseignants de mathematiques. Elle vise a renforcer le potentiel de formation mathematique et didactique dans la region ainsi qu’a contribuer a la construction et au developpement d'une communaute professionnelle regionale de formateurs d'enseignants de mathematiques regroupant mathematiciens, didacticiens, enseignants et institutionnels. Une question centrale dans EDIMATHS sera celle de l’evolution vers des pratiques d’enseignement moins magistrales dans un contexte règional marque notamment par des classes a grands effectifs.

EDIMATHS est ouverte a  40 participants, une moitie approximativement venant du Mali et les autres de la sous­region (Burkina­Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Niger, Senegal notamment).

La formation offerte par EDIMATHSLa formation, pensee en fonction des priorites en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone, sera organisee :

• d’une part, autour de domaines au cœur de l’enseignement secondaire : nombres, geometrie (du plan et de l’espace), algebre, qui seront abordes sous un angle epistemologique, mathematique et didactique, et en prenant en compte les progressions curriculaires,
• d’autre part, autour de questions d’interet commun pour les formateurs de la region : prise en compte des systemes de numeration locaux dans l’apprentissage des nombres et du calcul, enseignement dans des contextes multilinguistiques, transition entre premier et second cycle de l’ecole fondamentale, rapports entre contenus et competences dans les curricula.

EDIMATHS offrira par ailleurs une ouverture aux mathematiques contemporaines et a leur exploitation possible dans l’enseignement et la formation. Elle sera aussi l’occasion d’exploiter diverses ressources technologiques et de reflechir aux potentialites offertes par les technologies informatiques a l’enseignement et a  la formation des enseignants. Enfin, elle sera l’occasion de comparer les systemes de formation des enseignants dans les differents pays de la region, d’echanger sur les difficultes rencontrees et les strategies developpees, sur les evolutions en cours.

Les activites d’EDIMATHS conjugueront des seances plenieres (cours, syntheses) et des travaux de groupes (travaux diriges, ateliers, groupes de discussion). Des activites satellites pour un plus large public seront par ailleurs organisees en relation avec l’Ecole. Toutes ces activites seront assurees et encadrees par des professionnels (mathematiciens, didacticiens, institutionnels) engages dans la formation d’enseignants.

EDIMATHS donnera lieu a des actes qui seront mis en ligne sur un site de die qui permettra de maintenir la connexion entre les participants a l’issue de l’Ecole et prolonger les travaux collaboratifs qui y auront ete developpes. Elle donnera egalement lieu a un ouvrage de synthese sur la formation des enseignants dans les pays concernes.

Comite de coordination scientifique, comite d’organisation et contacts:

Comite de coordination scientifique
Pierre Arnoux (Universite d’Aix-Marseille, France), Michele Artigue (ICMI), Denise Grenier (Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble, France) (co-responsable du comite de coordination), Ouarteni Diallo (Universite de Bamako, Mali), Marie-Jeanne Perrin-Glorian ‘Universite d’Artois, France), Mamadou Souleymane Sangare (Ecole Normale Superieure de Bamako, Mali) (co-responsable du comite de coordination), Mamadou Sanghare (Universite? Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal), Kalifa Traore (Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Koudougou, Burkina Faso), Valerio Vassalo (Universite de Lille 1 et Maison des geometries, Maubeuge, France)

Comite d’organisation local 

Abdoulaye Salim Cisse (president), Daniel Alibert, Souleymane Goundiam, Mamadou Souleymane Sangare, Sidi Bekaye Sokona,

Otto Adamou (Niger), Moorou Amidou (Niger), Patricia Nebout (Cote d’Ivoire ), Marie Francoise Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Mamadou Sanghare (Senegal), Mustapha Sokhna (Senegal), Saliou Toure (Cote d’Ivoire ), Kalifa Traore (Burkina Faso).


Pour toute demande de renseignement, contacter : Mamadou Souleymane Sangare: (