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Business and Industry

Industry and business also has an interest in encouraging women in mathematics. Some have offered sponsorship for mathematical events and others are taking action to encourage women working in their own company, or to fund projects that promote diversity and inclusion in the STEM field. Here is a sample.

Anita Borg Institute

The Anita Borg Institute recognizes the accomplishments of women in computing, and the organizations that recognize their value, through a variety of awards.

Its motto is   “Technology transforms the world and Women transform technology”.


Industry and Career Resources for Promoting Diversity in Engineering

A resource guide with like-minded pages shared by fictiv focuses on promoting diversity in the STEM field. This guide provides useful information and insight on how to improve diversity in the STEM field.


Google hopes to encourage women to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders in the field.” Besides setting up the  Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship,  Google helped the AWM with a major revamp of their website. It sponsored the WiM activities during the EMS Congress in Krakow and gave female participants fascinating tour of their Krakow office, where we learnt  about many interesting things, in particular their very active commitment to encouraging their female employees.


See what IBM is doing for women in technical careers:

    >  Why It’s Important to Help Women in Technical Careers

    >  Helping Women in STEM Thrive

L’Oréal-UNESCO:  The For Women in Science Program

The For Women in Science partnership supports women researchers by offering various awards and fellowships to women scientists which take different formats in different parts of the world.


Research collaboration conferences for women: A new initiative to build networks of female researchers in different areas of mathematics, through Research Collaboration Conferences at math institutes which focus on building collaboration groups consisting of senior and junior women in a given area.

Quaternion Books

Quaternion Books Science Publication is a start-up with a big dream: increase the global scientific literacy as a means to support and promote education among the underrepresented.To achieve this a small publishing company works with a simple business model: create books to disseminate scientific knowledge and dedicate part of the revenue to fund projects that promote diversity and inclusion in the STEM field. Qaternion Books is also on twitter. Find here more about the most recent kickstarter initiative for a publication about Katherine Johnson.