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GRAID Awardees 2020

Below you will find an overview of all grantees awarded in 2020 under the Graduate Assistantships in Developing Countries program. 


One student was awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Glele Kakai (University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin), with International Partner, Calistus Ngonghala (University of Florida, USA).

  • Beaugard Taboe

As a graduate assistant of the research group, his research focused on mathematical models for infectious diseases. The team is working on the modeling of Covid-19 transmission in West Africa.

Beaugard has transferred to a Ph.D. program in the USA. 


Three students were awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Gideon Ngwa (Buea University, Cameroon), with International Partner, Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem (Lehigh University, USA).

  • Markdonal Bime Ghakanyuy
  • Girma Mesfin Zelleke
  • Wirnkar Eric Jumbam

As graduate assistants of the research group, their research focused on models of infectious diseases, mosquito dynamics and immunology. The team
is working on mathematical models with applications; including malaria, cholera, covid and human behavioural dynamics.

With the support of the GRAID program, Markdonal Bime Ghakanyua completed his Ph.D. and Wirnkar Eric Jumbam completed his Master's Degree successfully. Girma Mesfin Zelleke is still working on his Ph.D.

Ivory Coast

One student was awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Modeste Nzi (Felix Houphouët-Boigny University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast), with International Partner, Etienne Pardoux (Aix Marseille University, France).

  • Fulbert Vonopou

As a graduate assistant of the research group, his research focused on mathematical models for infectious diseases. The team is working on homogeneous and spatial stochastic and deterministic models of epidemics.

Fulbert had to discontinue his Ph.D.



Anjana Pokharel, Naveen K. Vaidya (IP), Kedar Nath Uprety (PI), Khagendra Adhikari (2021 GRAID Awardee), Ramesh Gautam (2021 GRAID Awardee)


One student was awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Kedar Uprety (Tribhuvan University, Nepal), with International Partner, Naveen Vaidya (San Diego State University, USA).

  • Anjana Pokharel

As a graduate assistant of the research group, her research focused on mathematical models for infectious diseases. The team is working on modeling of transmission of malaria, Covid-19 and measles.

With the support of the GRAID program, Anjana Pokharel completed her Ph.D. successfully.


Two students were awarded a GRAID grant in the research group led by Principal Investigator, Sarfraz Ahmad (COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan), with International Partner, Volkmar Welker (Phillipps University Marburg, Germany).

  • Alia Yasin (Master's)
  • Abdul Mannan (Master's)

As graduate assistants of the research group, their research focused on combinatorial commutative algebra. 

With the support of the GRAID program, Alia Yasin and Abdul Mannan completed their Master's Degree successfully.