Do Duc Thuan (b. 1985) is a lecturer at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. His field of research is control problems of dynamical systems under perturbations, and the proposed research project concerned controllability radii of delay descriptor systems. He was hosted by Prof. Volker Mehrmann at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
This activity was supported by a grant from the Niels Henrik Abel Board (Norway).
Olena Vaneeva (b. 1982) is a senior researcher at the National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine. She does research on symmetry analysis in the study of nonlinear PDE models, and the proposed project did address classification of symmetries and finding closed-form solutions for variable coefficients PDEs. She was hosted by Prof. C. Sophocleous at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus.
This activity was supported by a grant from the Niels Henrik Abel Board (Norway).
Cyrille Nana (b. 1975) is a lecturer at the University of Buea, Cameroon. His research concerned holomorphic functions of several complex variables. In the proposed research project he aimed at extending previous joint work with Bonami and Garrigós on estimates for Bergman projections in bounded domains. He was hosted by Aline Bonami and Sandrine Grellier at the University of Orléans, France.
This activity was supported by a grant from the Niels Henrik Abel Board (Norway).