Karen Hunger Parshall (Chair) and Jan P. Hogendijk (Secretary)
The EC had a face-to-face meeting at the XXIst International Congress of History of Science in Mexico City, Mexico in 2001. Beginning in 2002, however, the EC adopted a new meeting policy. It now meets at least four times yearly via e-mail to discuss matters of interest to the international history of mathematics community. It has just had its second e-meeting of 2005. Among the business discussed and the issues considered were: (in 2001) coordination of the final stages of preparation of the historiography volume (see "Projects" and "Publications" below) and selection of the May Medalists; (in 2002) discussion of rules of governance as well as the issue of how to increase and encourage EC co-sponsorship of symposia and special sessions internationally; (in 2003) the adoption, for the first time, of a number of rules of governance and a study of the history of mathematics on the Web; (in 2004) the broadening of the international representation on the EC (which resulted in a two-person increase of the EC membership) and the formation of a subcommittee to select the 2005 May Medalist; and (thus far in 2005) discussion of national ICHM representatives and the selection of new EC-members.
From 2001 to 2005, the ICHM contributed to, organized, or co-sponsored numerous conferences, symposia, and congresses internationally: Special Sessions at the annual joint meetings of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America (United States) (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) (for full reports on the 2004 and 2005 sessions, see the ICHM website); the conference "Certainty, Doubt, Error: Knowledge Production and its Impediments in the Practice of Pre- and Early-Modern Science" (Germany) (2001); the "International Conference of the New Millennium on the History of Mathematics" (India) (2001); Special Session at the XXIst International Congress of History of Science (Mexico) (2001); "International Symposium on the History of Chinese Mathematics" (in connection with the International Congress of Mathematicians) (China) (2002) (for a full report, see the ICHM website); "Wallis Tercentenary Meeting" (United Kingdom) (2003) (for a full report, see the ICHM website); and a Special Session in Honor of the Retirement of Ivor Grattan-Guinness entitled "The History of Nineteenth-Century Mathematics" at the joint meeting of the British Society for the History of Mathematics and the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics (United Kingdom) (2004) (for a full report, see the ICHM website). The ICHM is co-sponsoring three Special Sessions at the International Congress for History of Science to be held in Beijing, China in July of 2005.
In 2001, the Kenneth O. May Prize for Excellence in the History of Mathematics was awarded for the fourth time to Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (Brazil) and Lam Lay Yong (Singapore). D'Ambrosio received his medal at the XXIst International Congress of the History of Science in Mexico City, Mexico in 2001; Lam Lay Yong received her medal at ICM02 in Beijing, China. The Kenneth O. May Medal will be awarded for the fifth time in 2005.
The EC's current (through 2005) members are: Karen Hunger Parshall (United States), Chair; Craig Fraser (Canada), Vice Chair; Jan P. Hogendijk (The Netherlands), Secretary; Menso Folkerts (Germany), Treasurer; Natalja Ermolaeva (Russia); Alejandro Garçiadiego (Mexico); Niccolo Guicciardini (Italy); Sergio Nobre (Brazil); QU Anjing (China); Luis Saraiva (Portugal); SASAKI Chikara (Japan). Ex officio members are: Kirsti Andersen (Denmark); Joseph W. Dauben (United States); Eberhard Knobloch (Germany); and Christoph Scriba (Germany). The two IMU members are: Jeremy Gray (United Kingdom) and LI Wenlin (China). For a list of the current ICHM national members, see the back cover of any recent issue of Historia Mathematica.