Open Arms Grants

Open Arms Grants awardees

The Organizing Committee is proud to present the list of mathematicians from the developing world selected by the Open Arms travel grants program to receive financial support to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018. The grantees must attend the whole period of the Congress (August 01 to 09).

There are four lists, one for each geographical region (Africa, Asia & Pacific, Eastern Europe and Latin America), in alphabetical order. Each of them is followed by the corresponding “waiting list”, classified in order of priority.

Every grantee will also be contacted by e-mail, with more detailed information. The grants will be payed in Brazilian currency in Rio de Janeiro, during the Congress. If you don’t receive our message by December 31, 2017, please, contact us through

VERY IMPORTANT: Grantees must complete their registration in the Congress and pay the registration fee by March 27, 2018: failure to do so will result in cancellation of the grant and the corresponding resources being assigned to an applicant in the “waiting list”.

The selection for Open Arms – Brazil (exclusive for mathematicians based in Brazil) will be announced by February 21, 2018. Attention: Result postponed to March 9, 2018.

Open Arms is sponsored by IMPA – Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada and SBM – Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, with a generous contribution by IMU – International Mathematical Union.

Click the name of each geographical region below to open the corresponding list of grantees:
Latin America  

Eastern Europe  


Asia and Pacific