IPC Members
The members of IPC appointed by ICMI are:
- Jiansheng Bao
Professor of mathematics education
Department of Mathematics
Soochow university
1 Shizhi street, Suzhou, 215006
Jiangsu, China
Telephone: (+86-512) 67155742
Fax: (+86-512) 65112084
baojiansheng@suda.edu.cn - Hyman Bass
2413 School of Education
610 E. University
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259 USA
Tel: (+1-734) 615-4043
Fax: (+1-734) 615-7441
hybass@umich.edu - Ricardo Cantoral
Departamento de Matemática Educativa - Cinvestav IPN
Avenida Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508
Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco
México 07360, DF
(+52-55), fax
rcantor@cinvestav.mx - Sung Je Cho
Department of Mathematics Education
College of Education, Seoul National University
San 56-1, Shillim-Dong, Kwanak-Gu
Seoul, Korea 151-742
Phone numbers: (+82-2) 880-7740(Office), (+82-31) 264-2536(Home)
Fax number: (+82-31) 264-2539
sungjcho@snu.ac.kr - David Clarke
Director, International Centre for Classroom Research
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Faculty of Education
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010, Australia
ph: (+61-3) 8344 1140
fax: (+61-3) 8344 1058
mobile: (+61-0) 402 352 005
Personal Website: http://www.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/DSME/lps/DC
Project Website: http://www.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/DSME/lps/
Centre Website: http://www.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/DSME/ICCR/Research Methods Website: http://webraft.its.unimelb.edu.au/485646/pub/
- Lisbeth K. Cordani
Av Caxingui, 283 ap 71
05579-000 São Paulo Brazil
(55-11) 3726 2572
lisbeth@maua.br - Olimpia Figueras
Investigadora titular del Departamento de matematica Educativa
Avenida Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508
Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco
México 07360, DF
figuerao@mail.cinvestav.mx - Zahra Gooya
My work add. is:
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Shahid Beheshti University
19839 Iran
My phone no. is: (+98)21-826-1872
My fax no. is: (+98)21-241-3135
zahra_gooya@yahoo.com or gooya@sbu.ac.ir - Bernard R. Hodgson Département de mathématiques
et de statistique
Université Laval
Québec G1K 7P4 Canada
Téléphone : +1 418 656 2131,
poste 2975
Fax : (+1-418) 656 2817
bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca - Christine Keitel
Freie University Berlin
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Mathematics Education
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 BERLIN
Tel. (+49-30) 838 55975
Fax (+49-30) 838 55918
keitel@zedat.fu-berlin.de - Carolyn Kieran
Département de mathématiques
Université du Québc à Montréal
C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
Montréal, QC H3C 3P8 Canada
téléphone: (+1-514)-987-3000, poste 7793#
fax: (+1-514)-987-8935 - Maria Falk de Losada
Universidad Antonio Nariño
Bogotá, Colombia
mariadel@uan.edu.co - Mogens Niss
Roskilde University
PO Box 260
DK-4000 Roskilde
mn@mmf.ruc.dk - Richard Noss
Director, London Knowledge Lab
Institute of Education, University of London
23-29 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3QS
(+44-20) 7763 2150
r.noss@ioe.ac.uk - Fidel Oteiza
Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Av. Alameda Libertador Bernardo
+(56-2) 681 1100 foteiza@fermat.usach.cl - João Pedro da Ponte
Departamento de Educação
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Edificio C1 - Campo Grande
Tel. (+35-1) 217 500 049 Fax (+35-1) 217 500 082 - Angel Ruiz
Centro de Investigaciones Matemáticas y Meta-Matemáticas
Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Telephone numbers: office (+506) 2075742,
cell (+506) 8288987, home (+506) 2409034
Web personal page: http://cimm.ucr.ac.cr/aruiz/indexA.html
E-mail: angelruizz@racsa.co.cr and aruiz@cariari.ucr.ac.cr - Marcela Santillán
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Carretera al Ajusco No. 24
Col. Héroes de Padierna
Delegación Tlalpan
C.P. 14200 México, D.F.
m.santillan@upn.mx - Cathy Seeley
Past President
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Senior Fellow
Charles A. Dana Center
The University of Texas at Austin
4907 Placid Place
Austin, TX 78731
cseeley@mail.utexas.edu - Mamokgethi Setati
Associate Professor: Mathematics Education
AMESA National President
University of the Witwatersrand
Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education
School of Education
Private Bag 3
2050 South Africa
Tel.: (+27-11) 7173407
Fax.: (+27-11) 7173259 - Carlos Signoret
Jefe del Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa
Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col Vicentina, Iztapalapa
México 09340, D.F., MEXICO
Office: (+52-55) 5804-4655 (ext. 302)
Cell: (+52-55) 5405-4039
Home: (+52-55) 5489-1529
casi@xanum.uam.mx - Hikma Smida
hikma.smida@ipest.rnu.tn - Victor Vassiliev
Steklov Mathematical Institute,
8 Gubkina str.
117991 Moscow Russia