Bulletin of the Internation Mathematical Union
No. 39, December 1995
- Executive Committee
- Members of the Union
- IMU News:
- IMU Budget for the Years 1995 - 1998
- Report for the IMU and its
- Proceedings of the Conference held in May 9-12, 1995
IMU - Past and Present, by Olli Lehto
Topology of Plane Curves, Wave Fronts, Legendarian Knots, Sturm
Theory and Flattenings of Projective Curves,
by V.I. Arnold
- Interventión de Henri Cartan
- Developments in Symplectic
Topology, by S. Donaldson
- Discrete Heisenberg-Weyl Group and Modular
Group, by L. Faddeev (Postscript, 25 kB)
- The Geometric Compactification of the
Moduli of Surfaces of General Type,
by S. Mori (Postscript, 33 kB)
- Minimal Foliations,
by J. Moser (Postscript, 60 kB)
- Quantum Stochastic Calculus,
by K.R. Parthasarathy (Postscript, 52 kB)
- IMU Accounts, Year Ended December 31, 1995
- IMU - Dues Arreas as for January 1, 1996
- IMU Statement of Income and Expenditure
- CDE Accounts, Year Ended December 31, 1995
- ICMI Accounts, Year Ended December 31, 1995
- WDM 10th and 9th Edition, Year Ended December 31, 1995
- Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada - IMPA
- Estrada Dona Castorina, 110
- Rio de Janeiro, RJ
- 22460-320 Brazil