Software |
Beijing, Aug. 17-19,2002 |
Topics: |
software engineering problems for mathematical software;
mathematics and media (including user interfaces); mathematics
related to mathematical software; optimization techniques in high
performance computation; applications of mathematical software;
presentation of mathematical software; poster demonstration for
ICM participants |
Program Committee co-chairs: |
A.Cohen, X.Gao
and N.Takayama |
Program Committee: |
(Darmstadt, Germany)
Arjeh Cohen, (Eindhoven, Netherland)
J.Dongarra, (Tennessee, USA)
K.Fukuda, (ETH, Switzerland)
Xiaoshan Gao, (Institute of
Systems Science, China)
Steve Linton, (St.Andrews,
Mike Stillman, (Cornell, USA)
Nobuki Takayama,(Kobe, Japan)
DongMing Wang, (Paris 6, France)
Stephen Watt1, (Ontario, Canada)
K.Yokoyama, (Kyushu, Japan)
Ya-Xiang Yuan, (Chinese Academy
of Sciences, China) |
Poster session chair: |
M.Noro, (Kobe,
Japan) |
Organization chair: |
Zhuojun Liu
(Institute of Systems Science, China) |
Organization committee
(*:Not confirmed): |
Arjeh Cohen
(Eindhoven, Netherland)
Lian LI (Lanzhou, China)
Ken Nakamula (Tokyo, Japan)
Nobuki Takayama (Kobe, Japan)
Dingkang WANG (MMRC)
Lu YANG (Chengdu, China) |
Organizers: |
Xiaoshan Gao <>
Tel: +86-10-62541834 Fax:+86-10-62630706
Zhuojun Liu <>
Tel: +86-10-62560492 Fax:
Institute of System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100080, P.R.China |
Website: |
Algebras and Applications |
Chengde, Aug. 14-18, 2002 |
Topics: |
C*-algebras, Von Neumann algebras, k-theory, C*-dynamics,
Subfactor and Jones index, Free probability theory, Operator spaces, Noncommutative geometry, Quantum groups and operator theory.
Scientific Committe:
Secretaries: |
A. Connes,( Honorary Chairperson)
G.Elliott, (Chairman)
U.Haagerup , V.Jones , G.Pisier , D.Voiculescu
Guihua Gong <>
Huaxin Lin<>
Local organization committee:
Chun Lan Jiang<>
( cochair Department of Mathematics, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, P.R.China)
Xiaoman Chen, Xinde Dai, Guihua Gong,
Liming Ge (cochair),
Jinchuan Hou, Binren Li, Liangqing Li,
Huaxin Lin (cochair) ,
Guoxin Liu, Zhongjin Ruan, Shanli Sun
Shunhua Sun, Zhongqing Xu, Shuang Zhang ,
Tel: +86-22-26564336(O) +86-22-26535721
Fax: +86-22-26535721 |
Preparation group
Website: |
Guihua Gong,
Huaxin Lin,
Chunlan Jiang
Geometry and Global Analysis |
Nankai Institute of Mathematics,
Nankai University, Tianjin, Aug. 17-18, 2002 |
Scientific Committee: |
Shiing-shen Chern (honorary
chairman), Nankai Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin 300071,
Simon K. Donaldson,
Mathematics Department,Huxley Building, Imperial College, 180
Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ
Hesheng Hu, Institute of Mathematics,Fudan
University,Shanghai 200433,China
Richard Schoen, Department
of Mathematics, Stanford University
Gang Tian <>(chairman),
Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139 |
Xingwei Zhou,
Wenchang Sun, Honghai Lv.
Weiping Zhang <>,
Nakai Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071,
Fax: +86-22-23501532 |
Biology |
Guilin, China, Aug. 15-18, 2002 |
Topics: |
mathematical ecology, epidemiology, biometrics, bio-informatics, related mathematical
problems in biology |
Program Committee: |
Robert M. May(honorary chairman),
Lansun Chen(chairman), Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of
K.Sigmund(chairman), Austria (plenary speaker on ICM)
S.A.Levin, Princeton University,
Contact: |
Mr. Ma Zhi
Ms Xiao-he Qin
Ms Jia-yi Dai E-mail:<
> <>
Conference Secretariat, Office of International Exchanges,
Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, P.R.China
Tel: +86-773-5850305 or +86-773-5850311
Fax: +86-773-5812383 or +86-773-5850305 |
Website |
Topology and Geometry |
Chengdu, Sichuan, Aug. 14-18, 2002 |
Description: |
The conference will consist of a series
of one-hour lectures given by the experts in symplectic topology
and geometry from various countries in the world. |
Person to
Contact: |
Guosong Zhao
Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University,
610064 Chengdu, China
Tel: +86-28-5416051
Fax: +86-28-5412125 |
Website | |
Differential Equations |
Lanzhou (Dunhuang), Aug. 30- Sep. 4, 2002 |
Description: |
The topic of the conference may cover ordinary differential equations, dynamical systems, nonlinear analysis
and differential equations in physics, chemistry, biology and
other subjects. |
Person to
Contact: |
Tianqing An
Department of Mathematics, Northwest Normal University,
Lanzhou, 730070, P.R.China
Tel: +86-931-7971413(o), +86-931-7662822(h) |
Website |
Combinatorial and Computational Geometry |
Beijing, Aug. 13-19, 2002 |
Description: |
This conference will focus on the main problem and
the important progress of these areas. Meanwhile, related applications
in Information Theory, Optimization, Computer Science etc. will
be discussed. |
Organizer: |
Jacob E. Goodman , New York , USA
Ricky Pollack , New York , USA
Zong, Beijing ,CHINA
School of Mathematical Sciences , Peking University,
Beijing 100871, P.R.China
Combinatorics |
Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Aug.
30 - Sepember 3, 2002 |
Topics: |
Combinatorical enumeration, combinatorial design,
combinatorial geometry, combinatorial matrix, combinatorial optimization,
graph theory, coding theory, cryptography. |
Program Committee: |
Zhexian Wan,
Institute of System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Qingde Kang
Ren Ding <>
College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei Normal College
Shijiazhuang 050016, P.R.China
Tel: +86-311-7861588, +86-311-6049941(ext
Fax: +86-311-6068810
Website |
Functional Analysis |
Taiyuan, Aug. 11-19, 2002 |
Topics: |
Topology methods, variational methods, and their
Applications. |
Program Committee: |
Professor Kungching Chang,
Beijing University,
Professor Shujie Li, Institute
of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. |
Person to
Contact: |
Liyun Zhang
, Shengjia Li <>
Department of Mathematics, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006,
Tel: +86-351-7010555(o), +86-351-7019471(o),
Fax: +86-351-7011981 |
Website |
Colloquium for the History of Mathematics |
Northwest University, Xi'an, Aug. 15-18, 2002 |
Topics: |
Transmission and Tranformation of Mathematics: East
and West, Mathematical Thought of the 20th Century, Mathematics
in China |
Chairman: |
Wen-tsun Wu,
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of
Sciences |
Organizing Committee: |
Yong Sun(chairman),
President of Northwest University, China |
Person to
Contact: |
Anjing Qu <
Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069,
P. R. China
Tel: +86-29-8303334
Fax: +86-29-8303908 |
Education |
University of Tibet, Lhasa, Aug. 12-17, 2002
Description: |
Exchange successful experiences and discuss problems
arising from international mathematics education. Discuss new
models of mathematics education in the 21st century. |
Academic Committee: |
Jianpan Wang,
(Chairman), East China Normal University
Lopsang Namgyal(Vice-chairman), Tibet University
Kasang Nima, Tibet Education Bureau
Yuanbing Lou, Mathematics Department of TU
Fuxiang Lin, Commission of Lhasa Education
Organizing Committee: |
(Honorary Chairman), People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region
Qinghui Liu(Chairman), Tibet University
Lopsang Namgyal(Vice-chairman), Tibet University
Kasang Nima(Vice-chairman), Tibet Education Bureau
Lingmin Fang(Vice-chairman), Tibet University
Chengcang Xu, Test Centre of Tibet Education Bureau
Shuhao Zhou, Teachers Department of Tibet Education Bureau
Xiaowu Han, Tibet lhasa Middle School
Tadoz, General Publication Science of T.A.R.
Dencho, Tibet university
Pema Dorje, Maths Department of TU
Yuanbing Lou, Maths Department of TU
Gaochuan Tan, Office Department of TU
Tenzin, Dean's Office of TU
Fuxiang Lin, Commission of Lhasa Education
Hong Wei, Foreign Affairs Office of TU
Yanjie Bian, Defence Office of TU
Yutian Fei, Maths Department of TU
Chief of Office: |
Yutian Fei, ,
Yuanbing Lou |
Person to Contact: |
Yutian Fei
Department of Mathematics & Physics, University of Tibet
Lhasa, Tibet 850000, P.R.China
Tel: +86-891-6322954(o), +86-891-6327975(h)
Fax: +86-891-6334489 (for University
of Tibet) |
New Directions
in Dynamical Systems
Kyoto, Aug. 5-15, 2002 (date are not yet completely
confirmed) |
Topics: |
Real and/or complex dynamical systems theory, special
emphasis on findind in its new directions of research. |
Organizing Committee: |
Prof. Shigehiro Ushiki<>
Professor of Mathematics,
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan |
Professor Hiroshi
Kokubu <>
Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Fax:+81-75-753-6767 (c/o
Prof. Ushiki) |
Computation |
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Aug. 15-18 , 2002 |
Program Committee: |
chairman, University of Houston, USA |
Organizing Committee: |
Daqian Li,
honorary chairman, Fudan University, China |
Person to Contact: |
Kaitai Li <>
College of Science, Xi-an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
Tel: +86-29-2669051(o), +86-29-2669531(h)
Fax: +86-29-3237910 |
Website: | |
Clifford Analysis
The University of Macau, Macau, Aug. 16 -19,
2002 |
Topics: |
Clifford analysis and its applications to mathematical
physics, partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, function
theory of one and several complex variables, global analysis and
related aspects of operator theory and computational mathematics.
Tao Qian <>
The Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of Macau,
P.O.Box 3001 Macau(via Hong Kong)
Tel: 0853-3974474 |
Website: | |
and Functional Differential Equations |
Moscow State Aviation Institute, Moscow, Aug.
11-17,2002 |
Note: |
Conference is being organized by Moscow State Aviation
Institute with the coperation of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Mathematical Society, and
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastik. |
Topics: |
The Galois theory of differential equations, multisummability
of formal solutions to differential equations, differential equations
with meromorphic coefficients, limit cycles and bifurcation, spectral
theory, partial differential equations in functional spaces, linear
and nonlinear problems of mathematical physics, boundary value
problems and nonlocal problems, functional differential equations,
functional equations, applications. |
Academic Committee: |
D. V. Anosov,
Chairman, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
H.Amann, University of Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
W.Balser, University of Ulm,
Ulm, Germany
A.A.Boilbruch, Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
V.M.Buchstaber, Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
V.A.Il'in, Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
W.Jager, Interdisziplinares
Zentrum fur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der Universitat Heidelberg,
L.D. kurdryavtsev, Steklov
Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
S.B.Kuksin, Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, UK
A.D.Myshkis, Moscow State
University of Communication Tracks, Moscow, Russia
S.M.Nikol'skii, Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
J.Palis, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro,
J.P.Ramis, University of Paul
Sabatier, Toulouse, France
M.Singer, North Caroline State
University, Raleigh, USA
A.L.Skubachevskii (Vice-Chairman),
Moscow State Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia
A.Tesei, University of Rome
La Sapienza, Italy |
Organizing Committee: |
Chairman, Moscow State Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia
G.Schmidt, Weiertrass Institute
of Applied Analysis and Stochastik, Berlin, Germany
K.Schneider, Weiertrass Institute
of Applied Analysis and Stochastik, Berlin, Germany
A.L.Skubachevskii, Moscow
State Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia
M.Teuchert, Weiertrass Institute
of Applied Analysis and Stochastik, Berlin, Germany
A.B.Zhizhchenko, Department
of Mathematics of Russian Academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia |
Invited Speakers: |
H.Amann, University of
Zurich, Zurch, Switzerland
W.Balser, University of
Ulm, Ulm, Germany
A.A.Boilbruch, Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
V.M.Buchstaber, Steklov
Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
G. Da Prato, Scuola Normale
Superiore, Pisa, Italy
B. Fiedler, Freie Universitaet,
Berlin, Germany
V. Galaktionov, Bath
University, Bath, UK
Interdisziplinares Zentrum fur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der
Universitat Heidelberg, Germany
Ch.Kassel, Institute de
Recherche Mathematique Avancee(IR MA), Strasbourg, France
V.A. Kondrat'ev, Moscow
State University, Moscow, Russia
S.P.Novikov, Institute for Physical Science and Technology,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
J.Palis, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro,
J. Qing, University of California,
Santa Cruz, USA
J.P.Ramis, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse,
M.Singer, North Caroline
State University, Raleigh, USA
I.V. Skrypnik, Institute
of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine
V.A. Solonnikov, POMI RAN, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
A. Tesei, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
L. Veron, University of
Tours, Tours, France M.I.Vishik, Institute of Problems of Information
Transmission, Moscow, Russia
M.I.Vishik, Institute of Problems of Information
Transmission, Moscow, Russia
H.O. Walther, Justus Liebig
University, Giessen, Germany
J. Wu, York University, Toronto,
Contact |
Alexander <>
Moscow State Aviation Institute, Volokolamskoe shosse
Moscow, 125871, Russia
Tel: 095-948-63-74, 095-158-48-44
Fax: 095-158-29-77 |
and Optimization |
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an, Aug. 30 - Sep. 1, 2002 |
Topics: |
Cybernetic Model, Cybernetic System,
Cybernetic Method, Optimization Theory, Optimization Method, Optimization
Technique, other topic. |
Organizer: |
Quan Pan
Graduate School of Northwestern Polytechnical University
Youyi West Road 127#, 710072 Xi'an City, Shanxi, China
Tel: +86-29-8493062, +86-29-8494352
Fax: +86-29-8493062 |
Website: |'an |
Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems |
Huangshan , Aug. 29 ¨C Sep. 1, 2002 |
Topics: |
solitons, soluability of nonlinear evolution
equations, integrable systems, and related topics. |
Organizer: |
Yi Cheng
University of Science and Technology of China,
230026 Hefei, Anhui, China
Tel: +86-551-3602209
Fax: +86-551-3631760 |
Geometry |
The East China Normal University, Shanghai, Aug. 13-17, 2002 |
Scientific Committee:
Organizing Committee: |
Jun Li,
(Standford University, USA , Fudan University)
Shigeru Mukai(Nagoya)
Shengli Tan(ECNU)
Eckart Viehweg (Essen)
Gang Xiao (Nice, ECNU).
Zhijie Chen (ECNU)
Kezheng Li (Graduate School of Academia Sinica)
Shengli Tan (Chairman, ECNU)
Jingen Yang (Fudan University)
Website: | |
Mathematics and Applications |
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian,
Aug. 30 - September 3, 2002 |
Topics: |
Scientific computing, optimization
and control, numerial approximation, computational geometry, numerial
PDE, wavelets and fractals. |
Organizers: |
Wang <>
Institute of Mathematics Sciences, Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian 116024, China
Tel: +86-411-4621755
Fax: +86-411-4708360
Kok Lay Teo<>
Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: +852-27666957 Fax:
+852-23344377 |
Website: |
Dalian University of Technology
The Hongkong University of Technology
Function Theory in Several Complex Variables |
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei,
Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2002 |
Description: |
All topics about the extensions of the geometric
function theory of one complex variable to several complex variables
are topics of geometric function theory of several complex variables.
It was developed rapidly during last ten years. American Mathematical
Society set it as a section in annual meeting since 1993. |
Academic Committee: |
C.H. Fitzgerald(chairman),
University of California, SanDiego
Sheng Gong, University of
Science and Technology of China
Ian Graham
Adam Koranyi
David Minda
T.J. Suffridge,University
of Kentucky
Larry Zalcman |
Organizing Committee: |
Sheng Gong(chairman),University
of Science and Technology of China
Shangzhi Li, University of
Science and Technology of China
Taishun Liu, University of
Science and Technology of China
Jihuai Shi, University of
Science and Technology of China
Shikun Wang, Institute of
Applied Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiangdong Ye, University of
Science and Technology of China
Qihuang Yu, Institute of Applied
Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xuean Zheng, Beijing Normal
University |
Organizer: |
Taishun Liu
Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology
of China
230026 Hefei, Anhui, China
Tel: +86-551-3602998
Number Theory
and Arithmetic Geometry |
Weihai Campus, Shandong University,
Weihai, Aug. 13-17,2002 |
Topics: |
Algebraic Number Theory,
Analytic Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Other Related Topics,
Applications. |
Person to Contact: |
Jianya Liu
Department of Mathematics, Shandong University, Shanda Nanlu 27
Jinan, Shandong 250100, China |
Website: | |
Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics and Physics |
Harbin Normal University, Mudanjiang( Jingbo Lake). Heilongjiang Province
Aug. 29- Sep. 3, 2002 |
Topics: |
nonlinear hyperbolic equation(systems),
nonlinear parabolic equations(systems), nonlinear dispersive equation(system),
infinite dimensional dynamical system |
Academic Committee: |
Chairman),Dept. Math. Brown Univ., USA
Fanghua Lin(chairman),Courant
Inst., New York Univ., USA
N.S.Tradinger, School of Mathemitics
Sciences, Aust. National Univ.
Xiaqi Ding, Aca. Sinica, Inst.
Appl. Math., Beijing
Ta-Tsian Li, Dept. Math.,
Fudan Univ., China
Boling Guo, Inst. Appl. Phy.
& Comp. Math, Beijing
Ling Hsiao, Aca. Sinica, Inst.
Math., Beijing
Lishang Jiang, Tongji University, Shanghai, Aca. Sinica, Inst.
Math., Beijing |
Organizing Committee: |
Xiaqi Ding(honorary
chairman), Aca. Sinica, Inst. Appl. Math., Beijing
Boling Guo(chairman), Inst.
Appl. Phy. & Comp. Math, Beijing
Ling Hsiao, Aca. Sinica, Inst.
Math., Beijing
Song Jiang, Inst. Appl. Phy.
& Comp. Math, Beijing
Yuwen Wang, Herbin Normal Univ.
Zhixue, Zhang, Dept. Math.,
Hebei Univ. |
Invited Speaker: |
Fanghua Lin(chairman),Courant
Inst.,New York Univ., USA
Zhouping Xin, The Chinese
Uni. of Hongkong
Gang Tian, MIT, U.S.A.
J. Boargain, Preceton Uni.,
W. Strauss, Brown Univ., U.S.A.
Ta-Tsian Li, Dept. Math.,
Fudan Univ., China |
Person to Contact: |
Yuwen Wang
Department of Mathematics , Herbin Normal University, 150080, Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang Province, China
Tel: +86-451-6330 124 (office) , +86-451-6330 142 (home) |
Analysis and its Applications |
Zhejiang University ,Hangzhou, Aug.
14 - 18, 2002 |
Topics: |
Harmonic Analysis on Rn,
Harmonic Analysis on Lie Groups, Harmonic Analysis on Manifolds,
Applications in PDEs, Wavelet Analysis, Approximation Theory etc. |
Person to Contact: |
Jiecheng Chen
Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University (at Xixi Campus)#34
Tian Mu ShanRoad, Hangzhou 310028, China
Tel: +86-571-7993829
Fax: +86-571-8273046 |
Backward Stochastic Differential Equations |
Weihai,Shandong(in east Caost of Shandong, China)and Beijing, Aug. 29-31,
2002 |
Topics: |
1. Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
2. Forward and Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
3. PDE and Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
4. Stochastic Control
5. Mathematical Finance
6. Nonlinear Expectations and Nonlinear Martingales
7. Recuesive utilities and Risk-sensitive Utilities
8. Stochastic Differential Geometry
Person to Contact: |
Ji Shaolin
School of Mathematics, Shandong University,
Shandananlu, 250100, Jinan, China
Tel: +86-531-8564213 +86-531-8564210
Fax: +86-531- 8564210 |
Conference on Mathematical Logic
ĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦ------ The 8th Asian Local Conference |
Southwest China Normal University,
Chongqing, Aug. 29 -September 2, 2002 |
Topics: |
Recursion Theory, Set Theory,
Model Theory, Proof Theory and non-classical Logic, Computer Science
Academic Committee: |
Ding (Chairman), Nanjing University,China
Mariko Yasugi, Kyoto Sangyo
University, Japan
Hiroakira Ono, Adv. Inst.
Sci. & Tech., Japan
Chi Tat Chong, National University
of Singapore
John N. Crossley, Monash University
Shih-Ping Tung, Chung-Yuan
Christian University
Rodney G. Downey, Inst. of
Math., Victoria University
Qi Feng, Inst. of Math., Chinese
Academy of Sciences
Wei Li, Beijing University
of Aeronautics & Astronautics |
Organizing Committee: |
Yuhui Qiu(Chairman),
Southwest China Normal University
Weiqun Zhang(Vice-chairperson),
Southwest China Normal University
Mingyi Zhang, Southwest China
Normal University
Fuxing Shen, Southwest China
Normal University
Shier Ju, Zhongshan(SunYat-sen)
Guiyun Chen, Southwest China
Normal University
Yuanhu Li, Southwest China
Normal University
Jijian Cao, Southwest China
Normal University
Yan Tang, Southwest China
Normal University |
Person to Contact: |
Yan Tan
Faculty of Computer & Information Science,
Southwest China Normal University, Chongqing, P.R.China
Tel. +86-23-68254163
Fax:+86-23-68254164 |
Website: | |
on Stochastics and Applications |
National University of Singapore,
Aug. 15-17, 2002 |
Topics: |
Financial Mathematics, Gaussian
random fields, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Probability approximations,
Random matrices |
Organizing Committee: |
Louis H. Y.
CHEN(Chairman), National University of Singapore
Zhidong BAI, National University
of Singapore
Kwok-Pui CHOI, National University
of Singapore
Anthony Y. C. KUK, National
University of Singapore
Seng-Luan LEE, National University
of Singapore
Wei-Liem LOH, National University
of Singapore
Jiann-Hua LOU, National University
of Singapore
Qi-Man SHAO, University of
Young K. N. TRUONG, National
University of Singapore and University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill |
Organizing Secretary |
Yeneng SUN, National University
of Singapore |
Person to Contact: |
Ms Stella Pang
Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore
2 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543
Republic of Singapore
Tel: (65)874-4403
Fax:(65)779-5452 |
Website: | |
Note: |
The Symposium is jointly organized by:
Singapore Mathematical Society
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NUS
Department of Mathematics, NUS
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS |
Topology |
Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an,
Aug. 12 - 16, 2002 |
Topics: |
Knot theory, 3-manifolds , 4-manifolds;
Topological fixed point theory, Topological methods in group theory. |
Organizing Committee:
Chairman Boju
ĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦ Department of Mathematics, Peking University,
ĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦ Beijing 100871, CHINA .
Person to contact: |
Xiao-song Lin<>,
ĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦDepartment of Mathematics, University of California,
ĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦRiverside, CA 92521, USA
Shicheng Wang<>,
ĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦĦDepartment of Mathematics, Peking University,
Website: | |
Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Aug.15-17, 2002 |
Organizing Committee:
Invited Speakers: |
The theme is to discuss the most recent ideas and advances in combinatorics and graph
theory. Topics range from traditional problems to new directions, applications, and
interactions with other fields. The current invited talks will be focused on, but not
restricted to, extremal combinatorics, geometry of graphs, random graphs, hypergraphs,
phase transition of complexity, and new trends of discrete mathematics.
Bela Bollobas, Cambridge University, UK; University of Memphis, USA
Beifang Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Noga Alon, Tel Aviv, Israel
Bela Bollobas, Cambridge, UK; Memphis, USA
Christian Borgs, Microsoft, USA
Graham Brightwell, London, UK
Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft, USA
W.T. Gowers, Cambridge, UK; Princeton, USA
Laszlo Lovasz, Microsoft, USA
Endre Szemeredi, Rutgers, USA
Person to Contact: |
Beifang Chen (China)
Department of Mathematics
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,Hong Kong
Tel. :+852-23587449
Fax :+852-23581643
Website: |
Infinite Dimensional Function Theory |
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, South
Korea, August 12-16, 2002 |
Scientific Organizing and Program Committee:
Local Organizing Committee: |
This conference will focus on the current research progress of
polynomials and holomorphic mappings on infinite dimensional spaces and
its applications. Previous meetings on this topic have been held on a
regular basis since the first such meeting in Kentucky in 1974. In this
regard we mention Rio de Janeiro and Campinas (Brazil), Dublin (Ireland)
and Madrid(Spain). Also of which hosted several conferences on this topic
the recent major meetings in this area were held in Fukuoka(Japan) during
August of 1999 and Valencia (Spain) during July of 2000.
Y.S. Choi (Chairman, POSTECH, Korea) <>
R.M. Aron (Kent State Univ., USA) <>
S. Dineen (UCD, Ireland) <>
J.G. Llavona (Univ. Complutense Madrid, Spain) <>
M. Nishihara (Fukuoka Inst. Tech., Japan) <>
M. Maestre (Univ. Valencia, Spain) <>
Including members of the faculty of POSTECH; e.g., Professors
J.G. Bak,
J.Y. Byeon,
S.P. Hong,
Y.S. Shim.
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Combinatorial and Computational Mathematics Center (Com^2Mac)
Main Invited Speakers:
Note: |
R. Aron, USA
S. Dineen, Ireland
T. Gamelin, USA
J.A. Llavona, Spain
M. Maestre, Spain
J. Mujica, Brazil
R. Paya , Spain
I. Zalduendo, Argentina
There will be a total of about 10 main lectures (of 50 minutes).
A longer list of invited speakers of about 20 lectures (of 30 minites)
will be given later.
Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry |
Science and culture center hotel, Daejeon,The Republic of Korea (South) Aug. 14-18, 2002 |
Complex function theory, Automorphism groups,Invariant metrics,
Complex manifolds, Cauchy-Riemann equations, CR-geometry,
Complex dynamics, Pluri-potential theory,Holomorphic mappings,
Nevanlinna theory and related topics.
Person to Contact: |
Kang-Tae Kim
Department of Mathematics
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Pohang 790-784 The Republic of Korea (South)
Website: |
International Conference in Algebras and related topics |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Co-sponsored by Chung Chi College,
Southeast Asian Math Society and UNESCO) Aug.14-17, 2002 |
Academic Committee: |
General Algebras; Semigroups; Groups; Rings; Hopf Algebras;Modules;
Codes; Languages; Automation Theory; Graphs; Fuzz Algebras and Applications.
Z.X. Wan ,(Honorary Chairman), Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing
J.P. Zhang (Chairman), Peking University, Beijing
M. Broue Poincare Institute, Paris
J.M. Howie St. Andrews University, UK
G. Mason UC Santa Cruz, USA
M.C. Kang National Taiwan University
J.S. Li HK University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
M.M. Deza Ecole Normal Superaeui, Paris
M.R. Santanli Florida, USA
B.M. Schein University of Arkansas, USA
S.K. Jain Ohio University, Athen, USA
T.Y. Lam UC Berkely, USA
K. Gruenberg London, UK
J.G. Thomson Florida, USA
D.J.S. Robinson ANV, Canberry, Australia
B.H. Neumann HK University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
V. Dlab Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
M. Ito Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
A.V. Mikhalev Moscow University, Russia
Lev Kazarin Russian Academy of Science, Yaroslavl, Russia
M. Arslanov Academy of Science, Tartanstan, Russia
L.A. Bokut Academy of Science, Siberia, Russia
K. Denneckev Potsdam University, Germany
P. Vamos Exeter University, UK
O. Kegal Friebergs, Germany
Z. Arad Bar-Iran University, Israel
G. R. Robinson Exeter University, UK
B. Kuelshammer University of Jena, Germany
M. Mathreir Belfast, Ireland
Organizing Committee:
Invited Speakers
Person to Contact: |
X.Y. Xu (Honorary Chairman), Fudan University, Shanghai, China
K.P. Shum (Chairman), The Chinese University of HK, Hong Kong
N.V. SanhUniversity of Hue, Vietnam
M.K. Sen University of Calcutta, India
S.P. Strunkov Moscow, Russia
M.R.R. Moghaddam Ferdowski University, Iran
Y.Q. GuoYunnan University, Kunming, China
J.C. Meakin University of Nebraska, USA
Q. Mushtaq Quaid-i-Azan University, Islamabad, Pakinstan
T. BierUniversity of Malaya, Malaysia
Y. Krampasit Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Mari-jo Ruiz Atteno de Manila University, Philippines
P. Corsini Udine, Italy
A.C. Kim Pusan, Korea
M. Ciuc Nis, Yogoslvia
W.A. Dudek Warsaw, Poland
John Conway Princeton University, USA
Susan Montgomery South California University, USA
L. Marki Hungaria Academy of Science, Budapest
Efim Zelmanov Yale University, USA
I. Shafaravich Russian Academy of Science, Russia
R. Mckinzie Viendebilt University, USA
P. Sole Nice University, France
R. Wisbaner Dussedorf, Germany
M. Broue Paris, France
J. Carlson University of Georgia, Athens, USA
J. Alperin University of Chicago, USA
M. Nivat Paris, France
H. Bass University of Michigan, USA
P. Neumann Oxford University, UK
Richard Borcherds Cambridge University, UK
S. Mori Kyoto, Japan
J. Moodyi University of Alberta, Canada
K. Jimbo Nagoya University, Japan
B. Kuelshammer University of Jena, Germany
L. Puig Paris 7, France
G. R. Robinson University of Birmingham, UK
Professor K.P. Shum
Department of Mathematics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tel: (852)2609-7988
Fax: (852)2603-5154
Complex Analysis |
Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai, Aug. 14-17,2002 |
Complex dynamical Systems;
Quasi-conformal mappings;
Teich muller spaces;
Value distribution Theory;
Related topics..
Person to Contact: |
Ai-nong Fang
Department of Mathematics
Shanghai Jiao-Tong University
Hua Shan RD 1954, Shanghai 200030
Tel: +86-21-62932781
Fax: +86-21-62620892
Yuefei Wang
Tel: +86-10-62553375
Fax: +86-10-62553022
