[ICMI-News] ICMI Newsletter - December 2024

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Sun Dec 15 09:37:54 CET 2024

**ICMI Newsletter December 2024**


[Jean-Luc Dorier ](mailto:icmi.secretary.general at mathunion.org)(ICMI Secretary General)
[Merrilyn Goos ](mailto:mgoos at usc.edu.au)(ICMI Vice President)
[Lena Koch](mailto:icmi.administrator at mathunion.org) (ICMI Administrative Manager)


Technical support:
Vanessa Chung, IMU Secretariat


**The ICMI Newsletter publishing dates:**
March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15

**Editorial - From the Desk of Frederick K. S. Leung, **

**ICMI President (2021-2024)**

As I write this editorial, there is less than one month remaining in the term of the current ICMI Executive Committee (EC). Many at this stage might say something like, “Time flies; our term as the ICMI EC seems so short.” However, for me personally, the past three years and eleven months have felt quite long. At the start of our term, COVID-19 was impacting humanity at its hardest. The entire world seemed to have come to a standstill, waiting for the pandemic to subside and for life, including our students’ school life, to return to normal (half a year into my presidency, I found myself confined to a quarantine hotel room in Shanghai for three weeks, waiting to attend ICME-14!). The EC waited and waited earnestly for our first in-person meeting (which did not occur until more than a year into our term) so that we could “start working.” We felt, and still feel, that much more could have been accomplished if not for the pandemic. We will be remembered in the history of ICMI as the “COVID EC.”....

[READ THE FULL EDITORIA](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeFuBlC8RDI2Afo9H7oVn/G74RTV60MDCj)[L](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeG13DKxOOSBeldS16763/W9wJ93zPFe2n)


**IDM 2025**

###The 2025 IDM theme is: **Mathematics, art, and creativity**


**The 2025 IDM theme celebrates the creativity found in mathematical discovery and art. Using mathematics in art opens doors to new ideas, beautiful and captivating creations.**


A special invitation is sent to teachers to celebrate mathematics, art, and creativity, showcasing the harmony of logic and imagination, where numbers dance with colors, equations sculpt beauty, and ideas transcend boundaries to inspire and innovate. Creativity unites mathematics and art, fields that may seem separate, but were originally intertwined, both seeking to reveal the beauty of the universe.


A special feature of 2025 will be the **IDM School Program**. The program connects schools from different countries that share a common language (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish) for a period of several weeks before or around the IDM. Teachers and their classes can participate in interesting and amusing math activities based on the 2025 IDM theme. Participating teachers will be offered a free virtual workshop in their language presenting attractive activities and background information. Afterward, teachers will join a group in a chat tool in the chosen language to exchange ideas and share experiences. If desired, schools can also work more closely together, organizing online meetings and/or live exchanges between students. The IDM team will moderate the groups.

[READ FULL ARTICLE HERE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeG7ufTmLZcL8rSkl4PgJ/16jC8jPAqJpo)


**Follow-up on ICME-15**

The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-15 took place in Sydney, Australia on July 7-14, 2024.


The congress was a sucessful international event that will hopefully advance studies, interest and support for mathematics education all over the world. A total of 2322 delegates from around the world participated in the congress. The congress was held under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). ICME-15 had a wonderful and rich program: four Plenary Lectures, two Plenary Panels, 30 Discussion Groups, 85 Workshops and 3 Award Lectures were offered. The convenor of ICME-15 was Professor Kim Beswick, Head of the School of Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney. The Chair of the Local Organizing Committee was Will Morony, former CEO of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers. Here you can find the [ICME-15 website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGEm7cbIkmUcxI3V2iGZ/ZIVMuaVcRxZi). Highlights and pictures can be found on the [ICME-15 Facebook page](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGLdZlQFvwe737MF10qp/E8dkjBW0_Zvb).


[Here](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGSV1uFD76nb8weyzJR5/YfROnW-Hgd77) you can see the following videos of ICME-15: Plenaries, Plenary Panels, Awardees, Opening and Closing Ceremony.

[READ HER](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGZMU34AIGx5Elxixc1L/VXuOaWrq9q06)[E](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGgDwBt7TR6ZKbGSvubb/r9CbACgSXFDe)


**Reports from ICME-15 Survey Teams**

ICME Survey 1– Challenges and perspectives of mathematics assessment

[READ THE FULL ARTICLE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGn5OKi4ebG3QQZCuDBr/UZE10e8yxQCT)


ICME Survey 2 - Mathematics education and Indigenous perspectives

[READ THE FULL ARTICLE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/SMK1E8tHeGtwqTX1plPXWFrwsVm7/rixMcYvrZm-F)


ICME Survey 3 - Statistics and Data Science Education as a Vehicle for Empowering Citizens


[READ THE FULL ARTICLE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsDhYHbMyEvHwHUQb9GTeV/ct1YrY27t_6G)


ICME Survey 4 - Systematics Survey “Interdisciplinary Exchange among Mathematics Education and Neuroscience”

[READ THE FULL ARTICLE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsE9sznnMb1D6XYFyyFDMZ/IN-kwhuPeyUK)



**Reflections on ICMEs from someone **
**who attended all but the first one.**

Zalman Usiskin – Professor Emeritus – The University of Chicago, USA.

I have attended every ICME since ICME-2 in Exeter, if one counts attending ICME-14 in Shanghai remotely by Zoom as "attending". I looked forward to coming to Australia for ICME-15 with special anticipation, because of the 8-year in-person gap since ICME-13 in Hamburg, and also because this would be the first ICME that I attended in person in which I was not somewhere on the program either as a workshop or discussion leader, or as an invited lecturer....

[**READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE**](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEcDi0Dkx78Gnc5MnDx4d/gEK_4FqKFK9H)

**News from the Commission for Developing Countries (CDC)**

Ludovic Rifford, CDC Secretary for Policy


The next International Congress of Mathematicians will take place in Philadelphia, USA, from July 23 to July 30, 2026. The call for applications for the ICM 2026 Travel Support Program, which provides financial support to mathematicians from eligible developing countries to attend, is now closed. The program received an impressive number of applications from across all continents. Applicants will be notified of the results in the spring of 2025.


We would like also to remind you about the IMU-Simons Research Fellowship Program for Developing Countries, generously funded by the Simons Foundation. This grant program, introduced in early 2024, supports mathematicians based in developing countries in undertaking collaborative research at mathematical institutions abroad. The CDC strongly encourages mathematicians and students from developing countries to apply to our calls listed below and to contact us for further detail via email at [cdc.grants at mathunion.org](mailto:cdc.grants at mathunion.org).


**Grants for Institutions**

- [Volunteer Lecturer Program](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsF4YQCe9JD3R3fukcCgmh/k1RYT1Vnely9) (next deadline January 15, 2025, for courses to be held between June 1, 2025, and June 1, 2026) 
- [Library Assistance Scheme](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFWt8P4XfIybJjk8RBQUl/KaJ6SaKzVU6o) (no fixed deadline)
**Grants for Conferences and Projects**

- [Conference Support Program](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFzDqbUw1OtlZnZWGAACp/lJ4rYpCOCHY4) (next deadline January 15, 2025, for conferences starting after May 15, 2025)
**Grants to Individuals**

- [Abel Visiting Scholar Program](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGRYYnvKNUovprOu58tut/lmOufPVmf58f) (next deadline December 31, 2024, for research visits between May 1 and August 31, 2025) 
- [IMU-Simons Research Fellowship Program for Developing Countries](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGttH0Lijak65vEHu7dcx/n8MkmQ77paLS) (next deadline January 15, 2025, for research visits starting between June 1, 2025, and June 1, 2026)
**Graduate Scholarships**

- [IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship Program](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHMDzCm75gfGLz3fj6NL1/pHArjs44N7Hc) (the 2025 call for nomination will open no later than March 1, 2025) 
- [Graduate Research Assistantships in Developing Countries (GRAID) Program](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHoYhPCVRmaQc2t3Y5735/aHsMPqUYlOjG) (the 2025 call for applications will open in early January 2025 with deadline on March 15, 2025) 
[**READ HER**](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsDhf93VnC6S5laFttEmEl/QA3fEdbK_doH)[**E**](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsE9zrFwBYCNG1e5HiDVwp/lIEqhmdfM1lB)

**Reference to two articles recently published in the European Mathematical Society Magazine**

A resource supporting the development of mathematics: The IMU/ICMI Archive
[ICMI column](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEcKZSMZuIIQHhufXCFet/hR2TAjMZVI55) presented by Birgit Seeliger and Bernard R. Hodgson

Memorabilia from past ICMs recently acquired by the IMU Archive

By June E. Barrow-Green, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK; Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

[*This article*](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsF4fHemyGODaXlk3MAzMx/yIxxG3w_rYD8)*follows on from the article on the IMU/ICMI Archive by Birgit Seeliger and Bernard R. Hodgson.*

**News from ICMI Country Representatives and **

**Affiliate Organizations**

**News from Argentina - 47th Argentinian Mathematics Education Meeting (REM, for its Spanish acronym). A brief and personal report.**

The 47th REM was held on September 17-20, 2024 in the city of Catamarca (northwestern Argentina). As part of REM's identity, linked to its origins, the 47th REM was held in conjunction with the annual scientific meeting of mathematics organised by the Argentine Mathematical Union (AMU).


Briefly, REM and the joint AMU meetings started in 1977, at a time when the development of mathematics education (ME) as a scientific field was almost null in Argentina. In that year, motivated by the international advances in ME, a group of mathematicians proposed holding the first REM within the framework of the existing AMU meetings. Currently, the REM continues to be held annually and coexists with other Argentine encounters on ME.


The 47th REM activities were organized by the AMU Education Commission (created in 2015). The activities for the 47th REM were organized by the commission into three main categories of work: three plenary lectures, workshops for teachers or future teachers and oral presentations on research reports (RR) or accounts of classroom experiences (CE).

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFWzzrDMcU8knpZRB9j51/yrK90g-qx3PC)


**News from France – An international symposium in tribute to Guy Brousseau will be held from July 7 to 10, 2025 at the University of Bordeaux (France).**

The symposium is open to researchers, teachers and trainers (free registration for primary and secondary school teachers).


A [website dedicated to the symposium](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFzKi3dkya3v3tOp08Sn5/XG0Y46ykK_kZ) is now available.


You will find a presentation of the symposium and its scientific orientations, as well as a [call for papers](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGRfQG49Kfz5JxECp7CV9/EYVt4hBBTS5t). The deadline for submissions is February 14, 2025. The language of the symposium is French; however, proposals for oral or poster presentations may be submitted in English or Spanish. Accepted oral papers presented in English or Spanish must be accompanied by a paper in French. Workshop proposals, as well as their organization if accepted, must be in French.

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGu08SUXgluFa13ae5wDD/fEsKzJAmO7uT)


**News From Morocco – International Symposium on Mathematics Education**

"Tribute to Guy Brousseau: Discoveries, Legacy, and Influence in Mathematical Education" was the central theme of an International Symposium on Mathematics Education, held from October 31 to November 2, 2024, at the Higher School of Education and Training, University Ibn Tofail, in Kénitra—a picturesque coastal city located north of Rabat, Morocco's capital.


This scholarly gathering attracted researchers from an array of international contexts, including Canada, France, Morocco, Niger, Switzerland, and Tunisia. The colloquium featured a comprehensive academic program comprising six plenary sessions, numerous parallel presentations, and four specialized workshops. A significant portion of the presentations were strategically designed to illuminate Guy Brousseau's profound and far-reaching contributions to mathematics education, extending well beyond the traditional boundaries of French academic discourse.

[READ HERE ](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHMKqeuw2rpPq4syT4fvH/I5xNHDzifdBj)


**News from the Netherlands**

Michiel Doorman, ICMI CR.


In the Netherlands we celebrate this year the 100th anniversary of the [Dutch Association of Mathematics Teachers](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHofYrLKOxka68iMI3PdL/7-r3Lc-6F8Ee) (NVvW). The festivities started at the yearly study conference on Saturday November 2, with some 300 participating teachers. The program included a historical lecture by Desiree Agterberg and a future-oriented contribution by Monique Pijls on the relevance of the maker movement for mathematics education. During the whole year regional events are organized to involve as many teachers as possible in this special event...

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsDhm0Vec9HcFFg5CdD4p1/YQPWrZZdujl3)


**News From South Africa – **
**Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA)**

Compiled by South Africa Country Representative: Dr VG Govender to ICMI


The Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa was formed in June 1993, just less than a year before the first democratic elections of South Africa in April 1994. Since 1994, AMESA has had 29 National Congresses, the last one being in Kimberley, Northern Cape in June 2024.


**South African Mathematics Team Competition**

The South African Mathematics Team Competition took place on Saturday September 14, 2024. Teams from different schools combine to form local or regional teams, comprising junior learners (from Grade 8 & 9) and senior learners (from Grades 10 – 12). The first part of the Competition is a one-hour individual problem paper, consisting of 15 problems in multiple-choice format. After a break for refreshments and a discussion of team strategy, the second part of the Competition takes place. The second part consists of ten difficult problems, but now the teams may work together and must submit just one set of answers. The current champions for both the Junior and Senior sections hail from the Western Cape Province of South Africa.

**South African Mathematics Awards**


The South African Mathematics Foundation, comprising the Association for Mathematics Education in South Africa (AMESA) and the South African Mathematics Society, held its annual awards on Saturday October 19, 2024 in Cape Town. 102 learners from Grades 4 to 12, accompanied by their parents/teachers as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students, attended the event where they received certificates and medals for outstanding achievement in the South African Mathematics Challenge, the Old Mutual South African Mathematics Olympiad, the ASSA Mathematics Team Competition and the Standard Bank South African Mathematics Tertiary Olympiad.


**AMESA Review of Grade 12 Mathematics related Examinations**

The final school year exit level Grade 12 mathematics related examinations (Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy/Technical Mathematics) took place on November 1 and 4, 2024. Learners in South Africa choose Mathematics/Technical Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy from Grade 10 onwards. AMESA has just completed a review of these Grade 12 papers: The key issues discussed in the review include the following: ***Technical aspects; Language used; Syllabus coverage; Standard of the paper; Compliance with levels of thinking (cognitive levels); Comparison to the previous year’s paper; Learners’ views on the papers, Unfair questions and Overall verdict.***

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEA6ii50VNXPVjuaSBoX5/lteGhgJF1IuO)


**News from the International Group for the **

**Psychology of Mathematics Education (IGPME)**

PME 48: The Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education will be held from July 28 to August 2, 2025 In Santiago, Chile.

The theme of the conference is: “Making sure that mathematics education research reaches the classroom.”

More information on the website: [https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEcRQuVOrTSZlnjyHAYF9/-CRhDbd7IefF](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGRt9ALnF2JOI8soJ3nff/0Eb1BqkxEFEt)

**News from the African Mathematical Education Association (AFRICMA)**

The [first announcement of the next conference AFRICME7](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsF4m96vnDZNk1rZM69HxD/M7ismjErpSP8) is available online.


**AFRICME7** will be held at the School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa from July 15-18, 2025.


**Conference Theme**: Acknowledging and Addressing Barriers of Mathematics Education for an Inclusive Africa



- inclusivity and diversity within the mathematics classrooms during the AI era. 
- leveraging technology to enhance mathematics learning experiences in the AI age 
- the mathematics of data science in the AI age 
- ultural and socially aligned mathematics pedagogy (ethnomathematics, Indigenous knowledge) in the AI age 
- pedagogical issues in mathematics education and mathematics teacher professional development at primary and high school 
- trans- and inter-disciplinary STEM education 
- language and communications in mathematics education 
- mathematical modelling and computational thinking 
- use of textbooks as resources for teaching and learning mathematics 

**Call for Proposals (Long Papers, Short Papers, Working Groups, Oral Communications, Posters, and Symposiums)**

This is the first announcement calling for proposals from mathematics education and STEM education researchers to be submitted for the AFRICME7 conference that will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2025. Interested teachers are invited to submit “How I Teach” papers to present in the Mathematics Teacher Professional Development sessions. These submissions are not compulsory for participating teachers but are desirable for the conference.

Details on format, template, and submission will be made available later.

**News from the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching (CIEAEM)**

by Cristina Sabena, President of CIEAEM


**CIEAEM76 will be held in Philadelphia, USA, July 21-25, 2025**


It's with pleasure that we announce that the CIEAEM76 (International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching) conference will be held in Philadelphia (USA) from July 21 to 25, 2025. The conference will focus on the theme "***New Realities, Current Practices and Future Orientations for Mathematics Education. How can curriculum anticipate and prepare for a changing world?***" as proposed by the IPC chaired by Peter Appelbaum and composed of Ana Serrado Bayes, Andreas Moutsios-Rentzos, Audrey Cooke, Charoula Stathopoulou, Gail FitzSimons, Gilles Aldon, Giulia Giovanna Bini, Javier Díez-Palomar, Lisa Björklund Boistrup, Marcelo Almeida Bairral, Michaela Kaslová, and Susan Gerofsky.

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFX6rJMBZfIuHvOjv81fH/ka5PMV0hIGLA)


**News from the Inter-American Committee on Mathematical Education (IACME) Executive Team**

By [Angel Ruiz](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFzRZVmZvlE4XzE7k6lNL/uIz2IBpF1peJ), President [International Council, Inter-American Committee of Mathematics Education](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGRmHiCyHr9Eo33VZ5V5P/kSf75fORKm_7)


Eduardo Mancera (México), president of the [*Inter-American Committee of Mathematics Education*](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGu6zudMdx4P46stO4EnT/G6BpeWQc5jdi) Executive Team, passed away at the end of October (he and his team were elected during the IACME Conference held in Lima, Perú, 2023).


This ICMI affiliated multinational organization completed a process to establish a new Executive for 2024-2027 that finally approved the following team:


President: Patrick Scott (USA)
First Vice-Chairperson: Yuriko Yamamoto-Baldin (Brazil)
Second Vice-Chairperson: Nelly León (Venezuela)
Secretary of Organization: Soledad Estrella (Chile)
Secretary for Technological Affairs: Yuri Morales (Costa Rica)
Regional members-at-large:

- North America: Adrián Gómez Árciga (Mexico) 
- Central America: Ricardo Poveda (Costa Rica) 
- The Caribbean: Sarah González (Dominican Republic) 
- Andean Region: Eulalia Calle (Ecuador) 
- Southern Cone: Claudia Vargas (Chile) 
- Luso-American Region: Alessandro Ribeiro (Brazil)

[READ HERE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHMRi73l02zZKAiHD2yVX/FRTBImz-HFFU)


**News from the International Organization for Women in Mathematics Education (IOWME)**

**IOWME Report - December 2024**


The IOWME session was held on July 9, 2024 at the ICME-15 in Sydney, Australia. The session was well-attended, with approximately 30 people from more than 10 countries present. At the session, I shared the history of IOWME and provided an overview of recent projects, such as the Mathematics Education Research Journal special issue (Hall & Norén, 2021) and the updated gender/sexuality and mathematics publications list, which is hosted on the IOWME website and contains well over 500 publications, arranged by decade. Attendees were very impressed with the publications list, and a few attendees volunteered to compile lists of gender/sexuality publications in other languages.

**Study Invitation - Retired Math Ed Professors/Academics**


Dr. Jennifer Hall of Monash University (Australia) and Dr. Lynda Wiest of the University of Reno, Nevada (U.S.A.) are conducting a study entitled The Lived Experiences of Retired Mathematics Education Professors/Academics (Monash University Project Number: 45351). If you are a retired mathematics education professor/academic, you are invited to take part in the study.

ln this project, we seek to understand how mathematics education professors/academics plan for and experience retirement. The purpose of our study is to contribute new knowledge about the experiences of retired mathematics education professors/academics, an understudied group in educational research. The findings may be used to inform current mathematics education professors’/academics’ retirement planning.

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHomQJU9M8ujaEXf21iDb/hvZY9lkXZkVu)


**News from the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics (ISGEm)**

Milton Rosa - ISGEm President - [milton.rosa at ufop.edu.br](mailto:milton.rosa at ufop.edu.br)


In 1985, the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics (ISGEm) launched Ethnomathematics internationally and helped this program to grow theoretically and methodologically. Also, in August 1985, the ISGEm Newsletter was launched and published twice a year: May and November. Investigators, researchers, professors, teachers, students and people interested in this research field are encouraged to contribute with concept papers, information on research in Ethnomathematics, particulars on relevant professional meetings, study groups, min-articles, and book reviews. Annotated bibliographic entries are particularly solicited, and any ideas for promoting the study of Ethnomathematics.

[READ THE FULL NEWS](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsDhsrxnR6SmOjluVNBNPH/Q4XFqX67QSNz)


**News from the International Study Group on the Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM)**

As usual, summer has been quite busy. There have been several events of interest for our group. In fact, many of them have been promoted, organized or coordinated by members of the HPM community.


First, shortly before ICME-15, and as a satellite event, the 11th meeting of the HPM group was held on the Campus of the University New South Wales. This was already reported in September’s ICMI newsletter.


Then, three activities were held during ICME-15. Topic Study Group 5.4 “The role of the history of mathematics in mathematics education” (Abdellah el Idrissi, and Renaud Chorlay), and two discussion groups: “Epistemology, history and sociology in mathematics teachers’ education: interactions and implementations” (Évelyne Barbin, David Guillemete, and Ysette Weiss), and “History of Mathematics Education: accomplishments and open questions” (Alexander Karp).


In addition to all these ICME-15 related events, two more conferences took place during summer. The first Summer School in the History of Mathematics Education was held in Lisbon (Universidade NOVA) in July. Also, the eighth offering of the International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education was held in Warsaw (Polish Academy of Sciences) in September (see picture of the opening ceremony).


This surely proves that we are a lively and active community. For more information on the group’s activities, we invite all the interested members of ICMI to visit our [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEADaADpSYhYzpjtCA77L/mpqylphDCZnB) and to read our recently published [newsletter](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEcYIMeDoecjFtZH18qpP/Od3XqDzEFE4X).

[READ HERE](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsF4t0Z4cAkXtVxOeq7aXT/dj5tU7Z5vgst)


**Conferences to come**

**Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME14)**

Dates: Feb. 4-8, 2025
Location: Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFXDilV0WqT3m1E2f6KFX/Roi-Qw_MeqSV).

**l'Espace Mathématique Francophone (EMF 2025)**

Dates: May 26 - 30, 2025
Locartion: Montréal, Canada
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsFzYQxvOswOE253QU53xb/MbstOA6ujfrn).

**Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)**

Dates: July 28 - August 2, 2025
Location: Santiago, Chile
More information on the [website](https://eventos.cmm.uchile.cl/pme48/).

**World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions - WFNMC-10**

Dates: 2026 (Date tbc)
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsGuDrMmBb8EYYCiC82XNj/w4atGif7YU30).

**International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Application- ICTMA-22**

Dates: August 10 - 15, 2025
Location: Sweden at Linköping University
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHMYZZCZxE9ioGXZx1H5n/GtfJmUapjfB3).

**International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness- (MCG) 14th conference**

Dates: on June 16 - 18, 2025
Location: Karlstad, Sweden
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsHotHlcyJK4t4KMxm00nr/hD57_SulT600).

**9th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME 9) **

Dates: July 18-22, 2025
Location: Seoul National University, Siheung Campus, Korea, 
The theme of the conference is “RE: Visiting the Essence of Mathematics Education in the Era of Digital Transformation.
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsDhzjPwG3dwYDrjo79fzX/_V80EFkjJsTr).

**International Society for Design and Development in Education - ISDDE **

Dates: May 19-22, 2025
Lcoation: University of Galway, Ireland
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEAKRcMePjriTvZBw8Phb/zv9GDs_c2UoR).

**Comité Interamericano de Educación Matemática/ CIAEM (Interamerican Committee on Mathematics Education IACME)**

IV Congreso de Educación Matemática de América Central y El Caribe (IV CEMACYC)
Dates: November 2-7, 2025
Location: Santo Domingo, Domenican Republic
More information on the [website](https://62s8s.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEcf9on2lpmsjzOZl79Pf/KUfWfFokwe3U).

IMU Secretariat

Hausvogteiplatz 11A, 10117, Berlin

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