[ICMI-News] ICMI News 4b: July 2008

Jaime Carvalho e Silva jaimecs at mat.uc.pt
Sun Jul 6 02:04:08 CEST 2008

ICMI News 4b: July 2008

Special issue on the web broadcast of "ICME-11".

The Opening Ceremony and all Plenary Activities 
will be broadcast real time on the web at

The timetable can be downloaded here:


Plenary Activities

P 1. What do we know? And how do we know it? (Two 
speakers with different viewpoints)

     * Michèle Artigue (France)
     * Jeremy Kilpatrick (USA)

P 2. What do we need to know? Does research in 
mathematics education address the concerns of 
practitioners and policy makers? -Panel debate - 
David Clarke (Australia)


     * Paul Cobb (USA)
     * Mariolina Bartolini Bussi (Italy)
     * Teresa Rojano (Mexico)
     * Shiqi Li (China)

P 3. Technology and mathematics education (1 hour)

     * Celia Hoyles (United Kingdom)

P 4. Current trends in mathematics

A panoramic view of current trends in mathematics 
and of the role and expression of mathematics in 
the development of science and technology will be 
offered to ICME-11 attendees. (1 hour)

     * José Antonio de la Peña (Mexico)

P 5. History of the development of mathematics 
education in Latin American countries.
-Panel debate - Fidel Oteiza (Chile)


     * Eugenio Filloy (Mexico)
     * Ubiratan D´Ambrosio (Brazil)
     * Luis Campistrous (Cuba)
     * Carlos Vasco (Colombia)

P 6. Equal access to quality mathematics education.
-Panel debate - Bill Atweh (Australia)


     * Olimpia Figueras (Mexico)
     * Murad Jurdak (Lebanon)
     * Catherine Vistro-Yu (The Philippines)

P 7. Knowledge for teaching mathematics (two 
speakers representing different perspectives)

     * Toshiakira Fujii (Japan)
     * Ruhama Even (Israel)

P 8. Report of Survey Team 3: The impact of 
research findings in mathematics education on 
students´ learning of mathematics

     * Angel Gutiérrez (Spain)

P 9. Report of Survey Team 4: Representations of 
mathematical concepts, objects and processes in 
mathematics teaching and learning

ICMI News is a Bimonthly Email Newsletter from 
the ICMI-International Commission on Mathematical 
Editor: Jaime Carvalho e Silva, Dep. Matematica, 
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

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