in Swiss francs
Schedule A: 1991-1994 1995-1998 Secretarial help, IMU office 19.400 15.000 Secretarial help, President 2.000 3.000 ICMI 10.000 11.000 CDE 5.500 6.000 Office expenses (including postage) 7.500 8.400 Travel expenses of the E.C. 25.000 27.600 President's and Secretary's expenses 2.000 2.000 Contribution to ICSU 5.000 7.000 IMU Bulletin 2.000 2.000 Audit fee 2.000 2.000 General Assembly - 1998 3.500 4.000 World Directory of Mathematicians 18.000 20.000 Contigencies 2.000 2.000 Subtotal 104.500 110.000 Schedule B: Symposia, confer, IMU lectures 56.000 65.000 ICMI scientific activities 18.000 22.000 CDE scientific activities 15.000 40.000 Program Committee for ICM 98 5.500 6.000 Travel grants 15.000 25.000 Subvention to ICM 1998 24.000 26.000 Subtotal 133.500 184.000 Total 238.000 294.000
Membership dues (175x1200) 187.000 210.000 ICSU subvention 20.000 26.000 Sales of W.D.M. 12.500 10.000 Special Development Fund 15.000 25.000 Interest on bank accounts 3.500 23.000 T o t a l 238.000 294.000