AMUCHMA, the African Mathematical Union Commission on the History of Mathematics, announces that the issue 25 of the AMUCHMA Newsletter on the History of Mathematics in Africa is now available. An electronic version of the Newsletter can be obtained from Paulus Gerdes at
Past issues of the Newsletter are accessible at:
The AMUCHMA Newsletter is published in various languages. It is available free of charge upon request, as follows:
For the English and Portuguese versions, send requests to
Paulus Gerdes
Chairman of AMUCHMA
Centro de Investigação Etnomatemática
C.P. 915, Maputo, Mozambique
Fax: 258-1-49 45 04
For the French and Arabic versions, send requests to:
Ahmed Djebbar
Secretary of AMUCHMA
G.H.D.S.O., Bt. 307
Université Paris-Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Fax: 33-1-47 01 59 17