The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Bulletin No. 48
June 2000
The All-Russian Conference on Mathematical Education
Final Announcement of the ICMI Regional Conference
The Organizing Committee for the All-Russian Conference on Mathematical Education (RCME) "Mathematics and Society. Mathematical Education in the New Millennium" is pleased to announce that RCME will be held in the city of Dubna (near Moscow), Russia, from September 19 to September 22, 2000. This conference is jointly organized by Ministry of Education of Russian Federation, Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of Mathematics), Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russian Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Moscow Institute for the Development of the Educational Systems, Moscow Center of Continuous Mathematical Education, and has been officially recognized by the Executive Committee of ICMI as an ICMI Regional Conference.
The three chairpersons of the Organizing Committee are Academician D.V. Anosov, Academician V.A. Sadovnichij, and the well-known teacher from Bieloretsk R.G. Khazankin. The head of the Program Committee is V.M. Tikhomirov. It is estimated that the number of participants will be about 300. Reviving the traditions of Russian education, the conference will be devoted to the teaching of mathematics at all levels - from primary school to graduate students. The aim of the conference is to develop the basic concepts of mathematical education in schools and universities in Russia as a whole, raising its level in accordance with present day requirements.
The following topics will be discussed during the Conference:
- The role of mathematics and mathematical education for individuals, for Russia and the world at large. Philosophical problems of mathematics;
- The concept of mathematical education in the twelve school years (problems of education, general concepts, structure and contents of education, teaching plans, number of hours devoted to mathematics, problems of modernization of education, etc.);
- Advanced mathematical education. Monitoring professional mathematicians from secondary school to the graduate and PhD track level;
- The concept of higher mathematical education, its structure and contents;
- Mathematical education in science, humanities, engineering and economics, the role of fundamental sciences in specialized education. Problems of mathematical education in vocational schools;
- Perspectives of mathematical education, presentation of achievements of contemporary mathematics in education;
- Mathematical literature, textbooks and training aids.
The scientific program will consist of plenary and sectional talks and scientific discussions. The plenary speakers are as follows:
- Acad. Sadovnichij V.A., Mathematical education: current situation and perspectives;
- Khazankin R.G., Mathematical education in secondary school;
- Acad. RAE Matrosov V.L. and Smirnov E.I., Problems of mathematical education for teachers;
- Ass. Acad. Kudryavcev L.D., Common problems of multilevel education;
- Acad. Anosov D.V., On the education commission of Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Acad. Arnold V.I., Mathematics and society;
- Tikhomirov V.M., The concepts of mathematical education;
- Acad. Zhuravlev Yu.I., Mathematics and computer science.
The conference will work for four full days. Mornings will be devoted to the plenary talks, while in the afternoons participants will be divided according to the following sections and subsections:
1. Secondary and vocational schools
- General mathematical education;
- Advanced mathematical education (including olympiads and other contests);
- Mathematical education in vocational schools.
2. Colleges and universities
- Professional and scientific mathematical education;
- Mathematical education for engineers and economists;
- Mathematical education for the students of the humanities;
- Mathematical education for teachers.
Besides, there will be several round tables with discussions on topical problems of mathematical education. Some of the questions for discussion are:
- What do you expect from the Conference? What problems in your opinion are the most urgent for mathematical education today?
- On the standards of mathematical education.
- Perspectives of mathematics and math education in 21st century.
- Mathematics and computer science - allies or rivals? Computers in math education.
- Algebra and geometry in secondary school.
- Relationship between secondary schools and universities.
- Testing technologies in the process of education, control and selection.
- Math education and training of future scientists.
Those interested in participating in the conference and giving a presentation should send a title and a 10-line abstract to or should contact the Organizing Committee of the Conference at the following address:
Contact: |
Secretariat of RCME
Moscow Center for Continuous Math Education
Bolshoj Vlas'evskij per., d. 11
121002, Moscow, RUSSIA
phone: +7 (095) 241-0500; 241-1237
fax: +7 (095) 291-6501
e-mail: (main part only in Russian)