The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Bulletin No. 47 
December 1999


The All-Russian Conference on Mathematical Education


Interim Announcement of an ICMI Regional Conference


The Organizing Committee for the All-Russian Conference on Mathematical Education (RCME) "Mathematics and Society. Mathematical Education at the Frontier of Centuries" is pleased to announce that RCME will be held in Dubna (Moscow region), Russia, from September 18 to September 23, 2000.  This conference has been officially recognized by the Executive Committee of ICMI as an ICMI Regional Conference.

The Conference will deal with the major problems of mathematical education in Russia, pertaining both to secondary schools and to institutions of higher learning.  In RCME we intend to acquire an adequate understanding of the current state of mathematical education in Russia and in the world, to elaborate general conceptual proposals for its development in the beginning of the next century.

Needless to say, the success of RCME cannot be attained without strong participation of representatives from all regions of the Russian Federation and of advocates of all of the methodical schools and directions.  We also expect that leading scientists and methodologists from abroad will participate.

The organizers of the Conference are the Russian Academy of Science, the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State University, and other major scientific and educational institutions of Russia.

Address of Secretariat:                  Dr. Ivan Yaschenko
                                                              Secretariat of RCME
                                                              Moscow Center for Continuous Math Education
                                                              B. Vlas'evskij 11,
                                                              121002, Moscow, Russia
                                                              fax:  +7 (095) 291-65-01