Income: balance 1995 118.685,25 IMU (Schedule A: Administration) 11.000,00 IMU (Schedule B: Scientific Activities) 22.000,00 IMU Contribution to ICME-8 12.000,00 interest 61,51 total 163.746,76 Expenditure: transfer charges 19,22 transfer to US$ Account 10.000,00 ICMI balance 1996 153.727,54 total 163.746,76Den Danske Bank exchange rate, ult. 1996: 1 CHF = 0,74 US$
Income: ICMI balance 1995 23.860,34 2. payment (US$ 1.000) of UNESCO 5.825,60 grant to ICMI Study on Geometry ¹) total 29.685,94 Expenditure: ICME-8, Secretary's expenses 11.069,84 EC meeting in Sevilla, at ICME-8 5.513,56 ICMI Study on Geometry, IPC/Editorial board 5.614,00 meeting, Secretary's expenses typing of Bulletin 40 & 41 2047,50 credit card charge 150,00 transfer charges 30,00 ICMI Balance 1996 5.261.04 total 29.685,94Den Danske Bank exchange rate, ult. 1996: 1 DKR = 0,16 US$
Income: balance 1995 16.279,88 CUP royalties for studies 31,96 interest 560,20 total 16.872,04 Expenditure: ICMI Study on Geometry, IPC/Editorial 514,08 board meeting, Trento transfer charges 6,66 ICMI balance 1996 16.352,30 total 16.872,04Den Danske Bank exchange rate, ult. 1996: 1 GBP = 1,61 US$
Income: ICMI balance ²) 1995 541,17 Solidarity Fund balance ²) 1995 32.761,69 ICMI interest, 29% of total (corresponding 348,32 to 1996 balance share) Solidarity Fund interest, 71% of total 853,15 (corresponding to 1996 balance share) transfer from Swiss Franc Account (10.000) 8.306,34 reimbursement of loan to ICME-8, given in 1994 10.000,00 Individual contribution to the Solidarity Fund 41,00 total 52.851,67 Expenditure: ICME-8, including EC meeting 2.885,04 Contribution to the publication 2.500,00 'The History of the Inter-American Committe on Mathematics Education' transfer charges 63,55 Solidarity Fund balance 1996 33.655,84 ICMI balance 1996 13.747,24 (account balance 47.403,08) total 52.851,67
The Executive Committee's thanks also go to the institutions of its other members. These institutions, too, have given invisible support to ICMI's work in a variety of ways. For instance, in many cases these institutions have paid travel and other expenses related to participation in EC meetings and soforth.