This conference, which will be held at the University of Science, Technology and Medicine in Tunisia (Tunis 2), 20-23 December 1996, is organised jointly by the Arab Development Institute (Beirut, Lebanon), the UNESCO Education Bureau in the Arab States (UNEDBAS), and the host university. The conference topics are the following:
General Topics: Recent developments in the teaching of science and mathematics; The taeching of science and mathematics in the light of the needs of society; New trends in the teaching of science and mathematics.
Special Topics: The role of information technology in the teaching of science and mathematics; The role of the teaching of science and mathematics in cultivating a healthy environment.
The deadline for submission of abstracts to the Organizing Commmittee was 15 March 1996.
The conference language is Arabic. However, papers may be submitted in English or French.
For further information concerning the conference programme, please contact
The Conference Coordinator
To reach the Organising Committee in Tunisia, please contact
The general theme of the conference is: Science, mathematics and technologyy education, and national development. More specifically, the following themes and topics will be addressed: Learning; Curriculum issues; Constructivism; Computer-assisted learning; Assessment and evaluation; Higher education; Primary Education; Secondary Education; Gender issues; Research methodology; Learning environments; Environmental studies; Cultural context; International education; Technological development; Distance education; Communication and language.
The conference will include keynote addresses, symposia, papers, posters, workshop presentations, and exhibits.
The conference language is English, but a special strand conducted in Vietnamese will be provided for Vietnamese mathematics and science educators and will allow the opportunity for overseas Vietnamese experts to interact with their colleagues in Vietnam.
The deadline for submission of abstracts (of approx. 250 words) is 15 September 1996. Abstracts should be posted to Dr. Fisher or sent by e-mail to Dr. Le (se below).
For further information, please contact
Associate Professor, Dr. Darrell Fisher (Convenor),
Dr. Thao Le (Conference Assistant Director)The Second Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, focusing on computer technology in mathematical research and teaching, will be held 16- 20 June, 1997, in Penang, Malaysia, organised by School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The conference will provide an interdisciplinary forum where researchers in the fields of mathematics, education, computers and technology, together with teachers can present results and exchange ideas and information. The conference will cover a broad range of topics relevant to the use of technology in mathematics. These topics include: The potential use of technology in teaching and learning of mathematics; Development of user-friendly softwares; Computational mathematics. The programme will include plenary sessions, special sessions, short communications and exhibitions. Selected papers presented at the conferecne will be published in the proceedings.
For further information, please contact
Dr. Yahya Abu Hassan, Chair of the Organising Committeeor
Dr. Wei-Chi Chang, Chair of the International Programme Committee
The 1997 annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME, will be held in Lahti, Finland, 14-19 July 1997.
The Richard Skemp Memorial Fund of PME has limited funds available to support both academics who find difficulties in attending PME conferences for racial, political, or philosophical reasons, and those from developing countries that are underrepresented within the PME. Applications for an allowance from the Travel Fund containing relevant information my be sent to the Executive Secretary, Dr. Joop van Dormolen, Rehov Harofeh 48 Aleph, 34367 Haifa, ISRAEL, before 1 March 1997. Applicants are supposed to play an active part in a Working Group or Discussion Group, or otherwise). PME members may nominate recipients for support from this fund by writing to the Executive Secretary.
For further information about PME-1997, please contact
Marja-Liisa Neuvonen, Conference SecretaryOn the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Roskilde University (Denmark), IMFUFA (the Department of Mathematics and Physics and their Functions in Education, Research and Applications) is pleased to invite mathematics and physics educators; scholars and scientists working in areas to which mathematics or physics are essential; representatives of institutions, agencies and organisations of research, industry or commerce; educational administrators, planners, authorities, and politicians; and other interested parties to attend this international conference which is going to be held at IMFUFA, Roskilde University, 22-26 August 1997.
Mathematics and physics play objectively significant roles in a large number of educational subjects and study programmes in various areas, not only as subjects in their own right but even more, perhaps, as essential components in other subjects and fields of study. Yet, in many places pupils and students have considerable difficulty in finding mathematics and physics relevant, and in coming to grips with their study. Similarly, in many countries students, to a manifest extent, are opting away from tertiary studies in which mathematics or physics form a key component.
Although national and local conditions and circumstances are undoubtedly important in this context, the problems are clearly international and non-superficial. This implies that attempts to explain or counteract the problems have to rely on in-depth analyses of their scientific, socio-economic, cultural, didactial, philisophical, and pedagogical aspects. The main purpose of the international conference Justification and enrolment problem in education involving mathematics or physics is to elucidate and analyse the problems with respect to these aspects, and to do so from a variety of different perspectives, such as educational sector and level, geography and culture.
If you are interested in receiving further information about this conference please contact the organisers:
Jens Hoejgaard Jensen (physics)
Mogens Niss (mathematics)
or the Conference Secretariat:
Ms. Karina Larsen,Illinois State University is proud to host the 1997 PME-NA (Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America) meeting at Chateau, Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, USA, 18-21 October 1997. A rich and stimulating program is in the planning stages. Tentative program planning features several plenary sessions with a focus on mathematics education research on learning and instruction. Suggestions for other plenary topics and/or speakers are invited.
At present the planned session formats include research paper sessions, symposia, discussion groups, short oral presentations, and poster sessions. As usual, decisions about acceptance will rely on peer review, which shortens the timeline for proposal subsmission. It is not too early to be thinking about your propossal, which will be due by 27 January, 1997.
Bloomington/Normal is located in Central Illinois, 125 miles south of Chicago. Weather in October will be moderate with trees and fields in fall harvest colors. Planned excursions may include an evening at the theatre or a barn dance. Accommodations will be availabe at Jumeris Chateau, a five-storey hotel offering the warmth and charm of a French country estate. A walking-jogging trail in back of Jumeris leads all the way to the University and can be particularly colorful in October. We look forward to your participation in the program and to your presence among us in 1997.
For further information about the 1997 PME-NA meeting, please contact:
Jane Swafford, 1997 PME-NA Annual ConferenceThe programme of the conference will be built around four themes:
A. Curriculum: curriculum evolution; relationships with informatics
B. Teachers: professional development; methodology and practice
C. Learners: tools and techniques; concept development; research and theory
D. Human and social issues: culture and policy; personal impact
Participation at the Working Conference is by invitation only and will be limited to 80-90 participants. Both the philosophy underlying such a working conference and the physical capacities of the venue impose this limitation on the number of participants.
For further information, please contact
Bernard R. HodgsonIf such is the case, you should briefly explain the reasons why you wish to take part in the Working Conference.
This Working Conference is being organised by IFIP WG 3.1, with the help of the IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres) of Grenoble and the Leibniz Laboratory of IMAG (Institut d'informatique et de mathematiques appliquees de Grenoble).
The First ICMI East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (ICMI EARCOME 1) will be held 17-21 August 1998 at the Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea. See announcement elsewhere in this Bulletin.
The International Programme Committee is chaired by Phil. J. Griffiths, Princeton, USA.
The current plans for the congress include the following sections: 1. Logic; 2. Algebra; 3. Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry; 4. Algebraic Geometry; 5. Differential Geometry and Global Analysis; 6. Symplectic Geometry and Hamiltonian Theory; 7. Topology; 8. Lie Groups and Lie Algebra; 9. Analysis; 10. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems; 11. Partial Differential Equations; 12. Mathematical Physics; 13. Probability and Statistics; 14. Combinatorics; 15. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science; 16. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing; 17. Applications; 18. Control Theory and Optimization; 19. Teaching and Popularization of Mathematics; 20. History of Mathematics.
Further information about ICM-98 can be obtained through the World Wide Web, through URL: