ICMI Awards for 2007 |
The 2007 Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal Awards
ICMI is proud to announce the third awardees of the Felix Klein and
Hans Freudenthal Medals.
The Felix Klein Medal for 2007 is awarded to Jeremy Kilpatrick, Professor
at the University of Georgia, USA. This distinction acknowledges his more
than forty years of sustained and distinguished achievement in mathematics
education research and development. It recognises Jeremy Kilpatrick's
extraordinary ability to reflect on, critically analyse, and unify
essential aspects of the field of mathematics education, while always
insisting on the need for reconciliation and balance among points of view,
approaches and methodologies. It further recognises the fact that he has
always embraced a very cosmopolitan perspective on the field which has been
of great significance to mathematics education researchers on all continents.
The Hans Freudenthal Medal for 2007 is awarded to Anna Sfard, Professor at
the University of Haifa, Israel, at the University of London, UK, and also
affiliated to Michigan State University, USA. This distinction acknowledges
Anna Sfard's highly significant and scientifically deep accomplishments
within a consistent, long-term research programme focused on objectification
and discourse in mathematics education, a research programme which has had a
major impact on many strands of research in mathematics education and on
numerous young researchers. It also recognises her ability to uncover, in a
thorough, original and scholarly manner, tacit or hidden assumptions behind
ideas, approaches, and conventional wisdom, so as to generate new fundamental
and striking insights into complex issues and problématiques.
The ICMI Awards represent the judgement of an (anonymous) jury of distinguished
scholars of international stature. The jury for the 2007 awards was chaired
by Professor Mogens Niss, Roskilde University, Denmark.
Presentation of the medals, and invited addresses of the medallists, will occur
at ICME-11, Monterrey, México, July 2008.
Citations of the work of these medallists: