

Satellite meetings of the ICM: call for proposals

Satellite meetings and parallel activities around ICMs are well established traditions which aim to enrich collaboration in the worldwide mathematics community. The ICM 2018 Executive Committee warmly encourages colleagues to submit proposals for such events in all areas of mathematical research. A number of partner institutions in the continent have already responded to this initiative with proposals of the highest scientific quality. These events, as well as future additions, will contribute to an even more exciting scientific experience for the participants of ICM 2018.

Aiming to a more efficient evaluation process, three windows have been established for the submission of proposals, with deadlines in December of 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. Several excellent proposals were received and evaluated in the first window. A total of ten proposals were recommended and approved by the ICM 2018 Satellite Meeting Committee. These are comprised of three events in the State of Rio de Janeiro, two in the State of São Paulo; two in the State of Bahia; two in the south of Brazil; and one in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

You may find the call for satellites and the complete list of approved satellite meetings in the corresponding webpage. We are looking forward to receiving more outstanding proposals from the community in the upcoming months!
