ICM Videos – YouTube
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Noise stability, noise sensitivity and the quantum computer puzzle Gil Kalai ICM2018
Fields Medal Lecture: Period maps in p-adic geometry Peter Scholze ICM2018
Calculus, heat flow and curvature-dimension in metric measure spaces Luigi Ambrosio ICM2018
Dynamical systems, fractals and diophantine approximations Carlos Gustavo Moreira ICM2018
Conformally invariant measures on paths and loops Gregory Lawler ICM2018
On the crossroads of enumerative geometry and representation theory Andrei Okounkov ICM2018
Geometry of the moduli space of curves Rahul Pandharipande ICM2018
Systems of points with Coulomb interactions Sylvia Serfaty ICM2018
Some recent developments in Kδhler geometry and exceptional holonomy Simon Donaldson ICM2018
Abel Lecture The future of mathematical physics: new ideas in old bottles M. Atiyah ICM2018
Leelavati Prize Lecture: The adventure of the Mathematics Village Ali Nesin ICM2018
Gauss Prize Lecture: Compressed sensing from blackboard to bedside David Donoho ICM2018
Ali Nesin's Leelavati Prize Laudatio Gert-Martin Greuel ICM2018
Chern Medal Lecture: Crystal bases and categorifications Masaki Kashiwara ICM2018
Emmy Noether Lecture: Conformal geometry on 4-manifolds Sun-Yung Alice Chang ICM2018
Masaki Kashiwara's Chern Medal Laudatio Pierre Schapira ICM2018
Fields Medal Lecture: Cohomology of arithmetic groups Akshay Venkatesh ICM2018
David Donoho's Gauss Prize Laudatio Emmanuel Candes ICM2018
Fields Medal Lecture: Classification of algebraic varieties Caucher Birkar ICM2018
Caucher Birkar's Fields Medal Laudatio Christopher Hacon ICM2018
Fields Medal Lecture: Regularity of interfaces in phase transition Alessio Figalli ICM2018
Nevanlinna Prize Lecture: Equilibria and fixed points Constantinos Daskalakis ICM2018
Akshay Venkatesh's Fields Medal Laudatio Peter Sarnak ICM2018
Peter Scholze's Fields Medal Laudatio Michael Rapoport ICM2018
Constantinos Daskalakis' Nevanlinna Prize Laudatio Éva Tardos ICM2018
Alessio Figalli's Fields Medal Laudatio Luis Cafarelli ICM2018
Highligths of the ICM 2018
Leelavati Prize Ali Nesin ICM2018
Chern Medal Masaki Kashiwara ICM2018
Gauss Prize David Donoho ICM2018
Journeys of women in mathematics
Caucher Birkar's Second Fields Medal Ceremony ICM2018
OBMEP Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for Public Schools
Nevanlinna Prize Constantinos Daskalakis ICM2018
Fields Medal Alessio Figalli ICM2018
Fields Medal Peter Scholze ICM201
Fields Medal Caucher Birkar ICM2018
Fields Medal Akshay Venkatesh ICM2018
There are five days left till ICM 2018!
Welcome to Rio! #ICM2018
Welcome to ICM 2018!
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