When planning your trip, please note that Registration opens on August 21st from 09.00 to 21.00. To attend the Opening Ceremony Congress badge is compulsory, therefore we recommend completing your registration process at the registration counter located at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos on August 21st from 09.00 to 21.00.
Madrid can be reached by air, train, bus or car. Detailed information to help you prepare your travel arrangements appears below:
IBERIA is the official carrier. Tickets are available with the following discounts:
- Domestic Flights: 30% discount on Business, Tourist and Excursion Fares, depending on route flown and availability.
- European Flights: 30% discount on Business, Tourist and Excursion Fares, depending on route flown and availability.
- International Flights: 30% discount on Business, Tourist and Excursion Fares, depending on route flown and availability.
Offer only valid for return tickets with fixed reservation dates in flights from IBERIA or Air Nostrum (IB7000 fligths excluded).
To benefit from this offer, reservations and arrangements must be made either at
Phone: +34 91 310 4348
Fax: +34 91 319 5322
e-mail: ;
or at any IBERIA office.
Registration to the congress is required to benefit these discounts.
All flights arrive at Barajas International Airport.
Telephone:+ 34 902 353 570
Baggage lockers available 24 hours a day. Rates will be charged per day or part of day from the time of deposit until midnight of the same day. Cash only. Fees
1st day are 2,75 €;
2 days to 2 weeks: 4,87 € per day large locker or 3,48 € per day small locker.
(Rates available by2005). Barajas Airport is 13 km away from the city and is linked to Madrid by the M30 and M40 motorways.
Regular bus service is available from the airport to the bus terminal at Avenida de America (city center) with various intermediate stops.
Line 8 (pink line - Madrid underground map) takes you to the City Centre (Nuevos Ministerios Station) from the airport. (Rates available by 2006):
- 1,00 € for a MetroMadrid single trip (Fare zone A)
1,50 € for a combinated Metro single ticket (Fare zones B1, B2, B3) ,15 € for ten-trip ticket (Metrobus). Ten-trip tickets are also valid on the buses. Furthermore, you can check your luggage from Nuevos Ministerios Station directly to your destination
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: From June 2006 Line 8 is under public works between Mar de Cristal and Colombia stations. We recommend changing to Line 4 at Mar de Cristal station and continue trip to city center.
- AIRPORT PARKING:(Rates available by 2006).
Price per hour: 1,50 €; 24 hours: 15,00 €.
Long stay parking. Rates:
- first and second days, 9,50 € per day;
- third, fourth and fifth days, 8,50 € per day;
- from the seventh day onwards, 4,50 € per day.
Parking Pass. Rates:
- weekend - 22,00 €
- five days -40,00 €
- one week -52,00 €
- eleven days -64,00 €
- two weeks - 78,00 €.
One way trip fromMadrid Barajas Airport to the city centercosts around 27-32 euros. There should be no problem in getting a taxi from the airport. Taxi telephone numbers:
+ 34 91 447 51 80 + 34 91 445 90 08
Discounts: Hertz offers ICM participants and accompanying people the following discounts when renting a car or station wagon.
- Car Rental within Spain
- Week-end: 15% on Promotional Hertz rates
- Week-days: 10% on Promotional Hertz rates
- Monthly Car Rental: 10% on Promotional Hertz rates
- Station Wagon Rental within Spain
- Station wagon: 22% on Official Hertz rates
- Car Rental out of Spain
- International Car Rental: 10% on Standard International Hertz rates
Conditions: When renting a car o station wagon please give the following code:
CDP = 6384984
Validity: This agreement is valid from 1st January 2006 till 1st January 2007. For reservations for August 2006 we strongly recommend to processes your request before 1st July 2006 to guarantee availability.
Reservation Procedure: Please enter www.hertz.es
You will be requested to fill in information on various screens (depending on language) Common steps to follow:
- Select language
- Select country
- Select Rates and Rservations
- Finally, please insert ICM CDP number (638494)
Contact by phone to: +34 902 402 405
Trains arriving from abroad and from the south, east, and west of Spain, including the high-speed AVE trains, arrive at the Atocha Railway Station (metro Atocha Renfe – Line 1).
Trains to and from the north arrive at Chamartín Train Station (metro Chamartín – Line 10). Many trains stop at both stations.
The railways in Spain are run by the state company RENFE Phone: + 34 902 240 202
Buses are generally the cheapest form of transport in Spain. The main bus station for international and long distance travel is the
Estación Sur de Autobuses, located on the south of the city center. Phone: + 34 914684200
Madrid has 6 principal highways entering and leaving the city; theA1 to A6. It has also three major ring roads, the M30, M40 and M50.
- A1 (Burgos Highway)
Also known as the 'Autovia del Norte', this highway connects Madrid to Burgos and Santander, to the cities of the Basque regions (Vitoria, Bilbao, San Sabastián), to France via Irún, and to ferries from the British Isles.
- A2 (Barcelona Highway)
This is a direct highway to Barcelona and the Costa Brava, via Guadalajara, Zaragoza, and Lérida. Also connects to Southern France via Portbou.
- A3 (Valencia Highway)
Used for travelling to and from Cuenca, Albacete, Murcia, and the following Mediterranen cities/costal areas: Alicante (Costa Blanca), Valencia, and Castellón (Costa del Azahar).
- A4(Andalucia Highway)
This is the route to and from the following cities: Cuidad Real, Jaén, Cordoba, Sevilla, Granada, Almería, Malaga, Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera (sherry), the resorts on the Costal del Sol and the Costa Cálida, Gibraltar, and the ferries to Morocco.
- A5 (Extremadura Highway)
Highway to Talavera, Trujillo, Cáceres, Mérida, Badajoz, and Lisbon and southern Portugal. It is also an alternative route to Western Andalusia.
- A6 (A Coruña Highway)
Leads to: El Escorial, Segovia, Avila, Salamanca, Valladolid, Zamora, León, the cities of Galicia and Asturias, and northern Portugal.
2004 © Copyright by Asociación International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM
2006 Madrid. All Rights Reserved.