22 - 30 August 2006
General Information - Proceedings
Proceedings of the Madrid ICM 2006 will be published by the European Mathematical Society Publishing House (EMS Ph). The Proceedings will consist of three volumes containing articles based on the invited plenary and invited section lectures, as well as articles based on the lectures delivered by the recipients of the Fields Medal and the Nevanlinna and Gauss Prizes. The first volume will also contain the speeches of the inaugural and closing ceremonies, and a set of pictures of speakers and participants capturing highlights of the Congress.
Two volumes of the Proceedings will be handed to the participants upon registration at the Congress venue. The third volume will be sent by post mail to the participants within three months.
It is the purpose of Madrid ICM 2006 to make the scientific content of the Congress as widely available as possible, by using all modern communication resources together with the Proceedings.
We trust that the service we aim to provide will be useful to all the participants as well as to the whole mathematical community.
2004 © Copyright by Asociación International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM
2006 Madrid. All Rights Reserved.