e-Learning Mathematics, a panel discussion

Organised by
The Executive Committee of the Spanish Conference of Deans of Mathematics

Brief description of the activity

In addition to the question of what is currently known about the learning of Mathematics, and what are its most sensible aims in today’s societies, the main question is what can be done to improve the process of learning Mathematics and in what decisive ways can e-Learning technologies help in the next few years. Participants will first be acquainted with what the situation of e-Learning Mathematics is as of August 2006, including how the learning of Mathematics is done in distance-learning universities, then they will learn on the most promising lines in which it will most likely evolve, and finally they will be offered a comprehensive reflection on how all this is going to influence the role of the new mathematics educator.

Members of the panel

Prof. Sebastian Xambó Descamps, Moderator
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Universitat Politčcnica de Catalunya President of the Spanish Conference of Deans of Mathematics

Prof. Hyman Bass
School of Education, University of Michigan

Prof. Hilda Bolańos Evia
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Prof. Ruedi Seiler
Institut für Mathematik, MA7-2, Technische Universität Berlin

Prof. Mika Seppälä
University of Helsinki and Florida State University

Emmy Noether Lecture

Following the recommendation of the General Assembly of IMU held at Shangai in August 2002, and continuing the tradition of the 1994, 1998 and 2002 ICMs, the Local Program Committee of ICM2006 is pleased to announce the organisation of the Emmy Noether Lecture as one of the special activities of the congress.