10. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

Topological and formal dynamics. Geometric and qualitative theory of ODE and smooth dynamical systems, bifurcations and singularities. Hamiltonian systems and dynamical systems of geometric origin, e.g. geodesic flows. One-dimensional and holomorphic dynamics. Billiards including rational billiards. Multidimensional actions and rigidity in dynamics. Ergodic theory including applications to combinatorics and combinatorial number theory.


Oleg N. Ageev        
Max-Planck- Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Spectral invariants in the modern ergodic theory
Monday, August 28, 18:00-18:45
Vitaly Bergelson      
Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Ergodic Ramsey theory: a dynamical approach to static theorems
Wednesday, August 23, 15:00-15:45
Rafael de la Llave    
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
Some recent progress in geometric methods for the instability problem in Hamiltonian mechanics
Thursday, August 24, 15:00-15:45

Dmitry Dolgopyat    
University of Maryland College Park, College Park, USA
Hyperbolic billiards and their modifications
Saturday, August 26, 16:00-16:45

Robert Ghrist
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA
Braids and differential equations
Friday, August 25, 15:00-15:45

Vadim Kaloshin       
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Newton interpolation polynomials, discretization method, and certain prevalent properties in dynamical systems
Saturday, August 26, 15:00-15:45

Bryna  Kra    
Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
From combinatorics to ergodic theory and back again
Wednesday, August 23, 16:00-16:45

Patrice  le Calvez      
Université Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France
From Brouwer theory to the study of homeomorphims of surfaces
Friday, August 25, 16:00-16:45

Elon  Lindenstrauss
Princeton University, Princeton, USA
Invariant measures for diagonalizable actions, arithmetic applications, and entropy
Wednesday, August 23, 17:00-17:45

Michael  Shub  
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
All, most, some differentiable dynamical systems
Thursday, August 24, 16:00-16:45

Anton Zorich
Université de Rennes, Rennes, France
Geodesics on flat surfaces
Monday, August 28, 17:00-17:45