3. Number Theory

Analytic number theory. Algebraic number theory. Local and global fields, their Galois groups and representations of these groups. Zeta and L-functions and their special values. Diophantine equations. Arithmetic on algebraic varieties. Diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory and geometry of numbers. Arakelov theory. Modular forms and curves. p-adic analysis. p-adic representations of p-adic groups. Computational number theory.


Manjul Bhargava     
Princeton University, Princeton, USA
Higher composition laws and applications
Monday, August 28, 15:00-15:45

Ching-Li Chai
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Hecke orbits as Shimura varieties in positive characteristic
Friday, August 25, 15:00-15:45

Henri Darmon         
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Heegner points, Stark-Heegner points, and values of L-series
Wednesday, August 30, 16:00-16:45

Kazuhiro Fujiwara   
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Galois deformations and arithmetic geometry of Shimura varieties
Friday, August 25, 16:00-16:45

Ben J. Green
University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Generalising the Hardy-Littlewood method for primes
Monday, August 28, 16:00-16:45

Gérard Laumon      
Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Aspects géométriques du lemme fondamental de Langlands-Shelstad
Wednesday, August 30, 17:00-17:45

Philippe Michel        
Université de Montpellier II, Montpellier, France
Equidistribution, L-functions, and ergodic theory: on some problems of Y. V. Linnik
Thursday, August 24, 18:00-18:45

Wieslawa Niziol       
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
p-adic motivic cohomology in arithmetic geometry
Saturday, August 26, 18:00-18:45

Vinayak Vatsal       
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Special values of L-functions modulo p
Thrusday, August 24, 17:00-17:45


 p-adic deformations of Eisenstein series and Selmer groups

Chris Skinner        
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Saturday, August 26, 17:00-17:45

Eric Urban
Columbia University, New York, USA
Saturday, August 26, 17:00-17:45