The most
important exhibition is "Mathematik zum
Anfassen" ("Hands on Mathematics"), organized by
Professor Beutelspacher from the University of Giessen. It is intended
for young people - mainly for school classes together with their
teachers. Visitors will have the opportunity to perform mathematical
experiments, to solve problems etc.
We also
show the exhibition of a sculpturer (Klaus Becker) who uses
mathematical algorithms when proceding from simpler to more advanced
forms. He will explain what he is doing and what mathematical problems
remain to be solved in two talks, one in English (Friday, August 21, 5:30 pm), the other in
German (Thursday, August 27, 5:30 pm).
Exhibition of work from the schools competition
"Art and
"Present an image of four dimensions! Try to paint someone moving
almost at the speed of light!" - These and similar problems had to be
solved by Berlin school-children in their art lessons. The children
have to enter works of art which relate to the topic
"Mathematics". The prizes are being awarded by the organisers of the
World Congress, who have intentionally kept the framework for entries
as wide as possible. The award ceremony will be on August 25, 1998,
4.00 p.m. in the Urania. There will be three prizes of DM 500, DM 300
and DM 200.
Finally, there is an exhibition "Mathematik und Keramik - Ceramics and Mathematics".
The entrance to all three exhibitions (and also to Becker's talks) is free.
The talks are intended to provide information about some topics in mathematics that are of general interest, to non-mathematicians as well as to the participants of the conference.
Hence some of the talks will be in German, others in English, some speakers will try to present their talks such that they can be understood by both a German and an English audience.
The entrance fee for each talk - with the exception of Becker's and Enzensberger's talks - will be DM 6.-.
7:30 pm,
5:30 pm:
7:30 pm,
Klaus Becker's first talk in the Kleistsaal:
"From Stone-Sculpturing to Mathematics: Approximating the Inscribed
Ball of Regular Polyhedra". (Abstract)
Professor Phil Davis (Brown University, Providence) in the Kleistsaal:
"The Prospects of Mathematics in a Multi-Media Civilization". (Abstract)
7:30 pm,
5:30 pm,
7:30 pm,
5:30 pm,
7:30 pm,
5:30 pm,
(There will be no talk in the evening because of the ICM-party.)
5:30 pm:
7:30 pm,
Klaus Becker's second talk in the Kleistsaal (in German):
"Von der Steinbildhauerei zur
Mathematik: Eine Annäherung an die Einbeschriebenen Kugeln
Regelmäßiger Polyeder". (Abstract)
Professor Heinz-Otto Peitgen (Bremen) in the Kleistsaal (in German):
"Mathematik und Medizin - Computerunterstützung in der
Leberchirurgie und Früherkennung von Brustkrebs". In this talk he
will speak on recent applications of mathematics in medicine. (Abstract)
On Sunday, August 23, at 11 a.m., the young Georgian pianist Tamara Kokilaschwili will give a piano concert including compositions by Mozart, Schumann, Brahms, and Scriabin.
The entrance fee to the concert is DM 6.-.
Please send suggestions and corrections to:
Last modified: July 28, 1998