The schedule for this session is
Monday, August 24, 1998
Since 1996, the editors of Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik (ZBL) have been collaborating on a revision of the 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC). It is planned that the classification, MSC2000, will be used by the two journals starting in the year 2000. We will present the new classification, in particular describing the principles underlying the revision and the major changes in the MSC.
Publishing an article in a mathematical journal takes quite some time. That is the reason why mathematicians make their scientific work available on the internet in form of preprints. Resource discovery of mathematical preprints should be faciliated. What one wants is high quality retrieval for high quality material. We show how the use of MetaData allows for a suitable search engine. Creation of MetaData can be done by authors or providers of preprint servers using freely available forminterfaces. In short, we will demonstrate a prototype of MPRESS as the EMS will name the service for retrieval of distributed mathematical preprints in Europe, for further information, see
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) has recently been published as a Recommendation by the World Wide Consortium (W3C). The goal of MathML is to enable mathematics to be served, received and processed on the Web. This paper discusses the issues involved with display and processing of mathematics on the Web and outlines the XML-based solution developed. This solution supports the encoding of both presentation and semantic content of mathematical expressions. The relationship between MathML and existing standards and formats such as TeX is discussed. An overview of MathML- compliant tools (existing and under development) for the creation and processing will be given.
Panelists (in alphabetic order):
Each panelist will be given 5 to 10 minutes time to report his/her vision of the future. This will be followed by a broad discussion, including the audience.
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Last modified: August 7, 1998