TO: | National Committees for Mathematics
Adhering Organizations |
FROM: IMU Secretariat
Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 20011. Elections -- The National Committees are invited to send suggestions before March 15, 2002 for the composition of the next Executive Committee (EC), the Commission on Development and Exchange (CDE), the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), and the International Commission on the History of Mathematics (ICHM), which is a joint Commission of IMU and the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS). We are enclosing the Procedures for Election of each commission. This information is also available on the IMU website at:
2. Special Development Fund (SDF)/Travel Grants for Young Mathematicians
A. Information for Member Countries -- The Union is making a major effort to bring as many qualified young mathematicians as possible from developing countries to the International Congress of Mathematicians-2002 in Beijing, China, August 20-28, 2002 ( For ICM-98 in Berlin, the IMU financed the trips of 99 young mathematicians and the German Organizing Committee covered local expenses. We hope to increase this number to 110 or even 120 in 2002. As you may know, the London Mathematical Society and the Royal Society have made major contributions, and the American Mathematical Society has asked its members to make a donation to the SDF when paying their membership fees. We hope that other societies will consider a similar action. Other countries that have made important contributions to the Fund are: Brazil, Germany, Finland, France, Holland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland. Donations to the SDF may be sent at any time and in any convertible currency to the following account:
Please see the IMU website for the list of member countries that have contributed to SDF in the period 1991-2000:
B. Information for Applicants -- The International Mathematical Union will award travel grants to young mathematicians to help them to attend ICM-2002 in Beijing, China in August 2002. The grants are intended for young mathematicians from developing countries (not necessarily members of IMU). Please note that mathematicians from Eastern European countries, even those with strict monetary regulations, are not part of this program, but they will be given special consideration by the Local Organizing Committee.
The age limit for the grantees is 35 years at the occasion of the Congress. The candidates should present evidence of research work at the post-doctoral level, and they should be able to benefit from interaction with mathematicians from other countries attending the Congress.
Applications should include the candidate's name and address, e-mail address and fax number when available, date of birth, a brief curriculum vitae, and a list of papers published or accepted for publication.
The Local Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians will provide a special allowance to the grantees to cover their registration, board and lodging.
Travel grant applications may be sent directly to the Secretary of the Union. Applications may also be submitted through the National Committees for Mathematics, which will forward them to the Secretary. Information on travel grants also is available at
All applications should reach the Secretary by January 31, 2002:
3. List of Adhering Organizations -- Enclosed please find mailing lists for the Adhering Organizations and Committees for Mathematics of IMU. Please check that the addresses are correct, and provide missing e-mail addresses and fax numbers. Please also check the addresses appearing on the IMU website:
http://www.mathunion.org4. Fields/Nevanlinna Nominations -- Nominations for candidates for the Fields Medal and Rolf Nevanlinna Prize to be awarded at the Opening Ceremony of the Congress, may be presented with a brief justification to the Secretary of IMU:
They will be forwarded to the chairman of the appropriate committee. The nominations are limited to no more than a two-page statement, plus the curriculum vitae. The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2001.
A Fields Medal winner shall not be considered for the Nevanlinna Prize and reciprocally a Nevanlinna Prize winner shall not be considered for the Fields Medal.