History of mathematics teaching and learning is relatively new as a subject of international attention and research, but it is developing actively and dynamically. It became visible for the first time at ICME 10 in 2004 at Copenhagen, as the TSG29. The success and energy of these activities led to the launching of the first international journal devoted to this field of study, the International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education, which has been published since 2006. History of mathematics education then became a subject in various international meetings, for instance at the ESU-5 in Prague in 2007, ESU-6 in Vienna in 2010, and at the CERME meetings. During the TSG38 at ICME-11 in Monterrey, research into this subject proved its productivity again, with papers presented on the history of the reform movements, on the analysis of classical textbooks, and on historical practice (inside and outside institutions). Recently, the first specialized international research symposia took place in Iceland and in Portugal.
On the occasion of ICME-10, a first international bibliography of research in the field was prepared.
The bibliography is now retrievable at the following address: http://www.icme-organisers.dk/tsg29/BiblTSG.pdf.
This bibliography outlined streams in research: transmission and socio-cultural reform movements; aspects of teaching practice (textbooks, methods, teacher professionalization); cultural, social and political functions of mathematics instruction; and comparative studies.
Possible themes to be treated are HISTORY of:
- changes of curricula in the various countries
- changes of mathematics education as a professional independent discipline
- the cultural and social role of mathematics
- policies in teacher education
- changes and roles of teachers’ associations
- the situation of journals on mathematics education
- the role of textbooks in the teaching and learning of mathematics
- general trends in the organizing of the lesson
- the overall impact of digital technologies in the learning and teaching of mathematics
- treatment of particular topics (geometry, algebra, etc.)
- interdisciplinarity and contexts
- reforms movements
- methods
Organization of the TSG35
At ICME-12, the TSGs will have four one and a half hour timeslots at their disposal. On the website of ICME-12 it will be possible to follow the planning process and eventually access all relevant documents including the timetable for TSG sessions. Participants who would like to present papers in TSG35 are requested to communicate with the team chairs. The TSG teams are responsible for establishing a scheme for paper presentation by distribution. The schedule for the work of TSG35 at ICME-12 will be announced in the due time.
Guidelines for submission
The organizing team welcomes significant contributions related to the topics outlined here and to other related issues. Participants are requested to submit a proposal not later than November 30, 2011 both via e-mails to the two team chairs and through the on-line submission system at the Congress website. The length of the proposal should be between 1500 and 2000 words. The proposals must be written in English and be attached in .pdf file. (For a full paper, an ICME-12 - template will be available later).
On-line submission
Go to<My Page> at the first page of the Congress Homepage http://icme12.org or press <Submit your proposal> button on TSG 35 website in the Congress Homepage.
November 30, 2011 Proposal submission
January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 10, 2012 Submission of Final Draft
Co-chairs : Kristin Bjarnadottir (Iceland) krisbj@hi.is
Fulvia Furinghetti (Italy)furinghe@dima.unige.it
Team Members : Amy K. Ackerberg-Hastings (USA) aackerbe@verizon.net
Alexander Karp (USA) apk16@columbia.edu
Snezana Lawrence (UK) snezana@mathsisgoodforyou.com
Young Ok Kim (South Korea) youokim@kyungnam.ac.kr
Liaison IPC Member : Evelyne Barbin evelyne.barbin@wanadoo.fr |