Many countries have experienced reforms in school mathematics curricula and/or in teaching policies over the past three decades. These have resulted in more demands on teachers than before in terms of their knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics. There has also been growing concern over the mathematical knowledge required for teaching mathematics in schools. Specifically, mathematics educators have sought to understand what mathematical knowledge teachers need to know as well as know how to use in teaching. Concerns about teacher knowledge emanate from both the increasing demands on mathematics teachers and the perceived lack of, or gaps in, knowledge that is observed in many teachers.
This is a broad field and there has been substantial amount of research across countries and contexts. The TSG will provide opportunities to share experiences of researchers in their work, to interrogate the diverse outcomes of different research, and to understand the nature of mathematical knowledge for teaching. The main objective of the TSG is to examine
(i) what we know,
(ii) what we do not know, and
(iii) what we need to know or know more of - for us to understand the mathematical knowledge for teaching at primary level.
The TSG will focus on primary level mathematics and will invite researchers that have researched, or are interested, in primary school mathematics teaching.

Guidelines for submission 
The organizing team welcomes recent significant contributions to this Study Topic area. Prospective contributors are requested to submit a paper with the length between 1000 and 1500 words no later than November 30, 2011 both via e-mails to the two co-chairs and through the on-line submission system at the Congress website. Interested participants are encouraged to e-mail to the co-chairs and access the TSG 23 webpage when we begin to add contributions.
The schedule for the work of the study group at ICME-12 can be derived from congress website (scientific programs -> congress timetable). It consists of four 90 minute time slots on Tue, Wed, Fri and Sat morning.

On-line submission
Go to<My Page> at the first page of the Congress Homepage or press <Submit your proposal> button on TSG 23 website in the Congress Homepage.

November 30, 2011 Proposal submission
January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 10, 2012 Submission of Final Draft

Co-chairs : Christoph Selter(Germany)
                 Suck Yoon Paik(Korea)
Team Members : Catherine Taveau(France) 
                         Pi-Jen Lin(Taiwan)
                          Len Sparrow(Australia)
Liaison IPC Member : Mercy Kazima
Submit a proposal
Programme : TBA
Final Draft List : TBA