Learning and cognition is a classical and very vital area in research on mathematics education. Researchers have published many valuable research findings that have contributed to significant development in this area. The continued efforts of researchers now and in the future will, we hope, lead to extensive 'pay-offs'. Different to many other special and related TSGs, such as teaching and learning of algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics, calculus, reasoning, proving and problem solving, to mention a few, TSG22's participants will contribute a more general focus on learning and cognitive activity, and insights into students' characteristics; their strengths and weaknesses in the process of mathematics learning. The TSG focus can include any teaching and learning contexts: from kindergarten to tertiary level, adult education, and teacher professional development. TSG22 discussions should be balanced between theories and their practical applications in mathematics teaching and learning.
Focus and themes
1. Psychological characteristics of students that influence their inclination to think creatively in mathematics
- Effects of psychological characteristics on students' test performances
- The role of optimism (resilience) in mathematical problem solving
2. Cognitive processing associated with the creative constructing of knowledge
- What aspects of curriculum development (or curriculum materials) contribute to developing learners' mathematical
thinking, mathematical inquiry or creativity in mathematics?
- What cognitive processes are associated with autonomous student development of new knowledge and what
'teacher moves' can promote such activity?
3. Mathematical thinking accompanied by affective elements
- In what ways are cognitive, social, and affective elements connected during the development of new knowledge?
- The nature of affective elements that can accompany creative mathematical thinking.
4. Social interactions associated with creative mathematical thinking
- What aspects of teaching mathematics (teaching behaviors) contribute to developing
mathematical thinking, mathematical inquiry or creativity in mathematics?
- What are the characteristics in classroom interaction or discourse (students-students; teacher-students) that facilitate
or contribute towards knowing mathematics or developing thinking or inquiry abilities?
- What mathematical problems are there that have good use in the classroom by teachers that contribute towards
developing cognition in mathematics?
5. The nature of mathematical understanding
- Children's interpretation of and performance on national and international math tests
- The rationale behind selecting a wrong answer in multiple choice items in mathematics assessments.
- Contexts for developing mathematical understanding
Guidelines for submission
The organizing team welcomes recent significant contributions to this Study Topic area. Prospective contributors are requested to submit a paper with the length between 1000 and 1500 words no later than November 30, 2011 both via e-mailsto the two co-chairs and through the on-line submission system at the Congress Website. Interested participants are encouraged to e-mail to the co-chairs and access the TSG22 webpage when we begin to add contributions.The schedule for the work of the study group at ICME-12 will be announced later.
On-line submission
Go to<My Page> at the first page of the Congress Homepagehttp://icme12.org or press <Submit your proposal> button on TSG 22 website in the Congress Homepage.
November 30, 2011 Proposal submission
January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 10, 2012 Submission of Final Draft
Co-chairs :Hsin-Mei Huang(Taiwan) hhuang22@gmail.com
Gaye Williams(Australia) gaye.williams@deakin.edu.au
Team Members :Sungsun Park(Korea) starsun@cnue.ac.kr
Mariana Saiz(Mexico) msaiz@upn.mx
Jerry Becker(USA) jbecker@siu.edu
Liaison IPC Member :Shiqi Li sqli@math.ecnu.edu.cn |