The aim of TSG 5 at ICME-12 is to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers in mathematics education, adult education, workplace education, adult numeracy education, citizenship education, social movement education - for the exchange of ideas related to mathematics education in and for work.
We view mathematics to be inclusive of the formal academic discipline of mathematics as well as the range of practices in which mathematics is embedded.
We view education to be inclusive of formal, informal and non-formal learning, that is, in education settings (e.g. adult community education, vocational and further education) as well as in the community and workplaces; and both individual and collective learning.
We view work to be inclusive of paid work and unpaid work such as work in the home, and activist work in social movements.
The focal topics will include empirical, theoretical and methodological issues related to questions like:

  • How is mathematics embedded in work practices; what is this mathematics like and how is it learned?
  • What mathematics do people learn in preparation for work?
  • How is mathematics/ numeracy valued for and in employment in different societies?
  • How does the mathematics taught and learned for work differ/match the mathematics used in work?
  • How does the mathematics learning in and for work meet people's mathematical needs in other domains of their lives?
We hope to see exchanges of ideas and information from people working on these and related topics from different theoretical perspectives, in different policy and cultural contexts. The purpose is to develop rich and critical insights into what might be meant by 'mathematics in and for work'.

Guidelines for submission
The organizing team welcomes significant contributions related to the topics outlined here and to other related issues. Participants are requested to submit proposals for a paper not later than November 30, 2011 both via e-mails to the two team chairs and through the online submission system at the ICME-12 website.The length of contributions should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length. The final paper to be presented may be longer than this.

On-line submission
Go to<My Page> at the first page of the Congress Homepage or press <Submit your proposal> button on TSG 5 website in the Congress Homepage.

November 30, 2011 Proposal submission
January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 10, 2012 Submission of Final Draft

Co-chairs : Geoff Wake(UK)
                  Keiko Yasukawa(Australia)
Team Members : Corinne Hahn(France)
                          Ok-Kyeoung Kim(Korea)
                          Tine Wedege(Sweden)
                          Rudolf Strasser(Germany)
 Liaison IPC Member : Morten Blomhoej

Submit a proposal
Programme : TBA
Final Draft List : TBA