During the past decades a number of different types of mathematical software have been developed. Among the most often utilised software types in education are Computer Algebra Systems (e.g. Derive, Mathematica, Maple, Maxima), Dynamic Geometry Systems (e.g. Cabri Geometry, Geometer’s Sketchpad, Cinderella, GeoNEXT), Spreadsheet and Statistics Software (e.g. Excel, SPSS, Fathom, R). Some of the software has been designed primarily for use in research while others were designed primarily for teaching. In recent years three important trends have emerged in the development of such software tools. 1) The design of research oriented software products increasingly includes features and support for educational purposes; at the same time teaching oriented software has become more powerful and sophisticated, with the result that its use in research contexts is also increasing. 2) The distinction between different types of software has become blurred as many products integrate features previously associated with other types of software. For instance, many software now connect several fields of mathematics and it is possible to design applications that allow to observe relationship among a variety of areas such as geometry, algebra, statistics etc. 3) Computer platforms are rapidly diversifying; with the appearance of smart phones, tablets, and Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) in recent years, as well as online services such as Wolfram Alpha, challenging the design and development of mathematics software.
The aim of this discussion group is to stimulate discourse between colleagues involved in developing and researching the use of mathematical software. The group will identify the key challenges and directions for development for the forthcoming decade.
• What are the most important challenges in developing mathematical software for teaching?
• How do new hardware platforms (e.g. smart phones, tablets, IWB) alter the functionality and features of mathematical software?
• How best to cater for cultural differences?
• How best to implement localization of software?
• How can software be developed which is both increasingly more powerful, but also easy-to-use?
• What can we learn from the successes and failures of software applications?
• What are the research priorities for software development?
• What kinds of research projects are necessary to support the development of software?
• What kinds of hardware are best suited for effective use of software?
• How can the design of mathematical software best be developed to support STEM/MST education?